2 Latin American countries may run out of water in coming years | Answers


He Aqua It is considered to be of great importance in the world as it is used in many aspects like hydration, nutrition, hygiene, crops, ecosystems etc. Simply put, water is essential to life.

The lack of this resource can significantly affect a nation, as its authorities are forced to take the necessary measures to guarantee the supply of drinking water, which in some way harms its citizens.

Along these lines, we must highlight that there are two Latin American countries that are on the verge of water fall. Reservoirs are less than 27% of their capacity due to extreme heat, increasing drought and El Niño winds. This has resulted in water shortage or reduced pressure in pipes in thousands of places. Next, we will tell you which countries they belong to.

Which Latin American countries can be without water?

One of the most water-stressed countries in Latin America Mexico. If heavy rains don’t fall soon, its reservoirs may stop absorbing water, leaving a quarter of Mexico City’s pipes completely dry, for example. Likewise, we must mention that the aquifers used by the city, the geological formations capable of storing and releasing water, are also at risk.

José Luis Luge, the former president of the National Water Commission, realizes the seriousness of the situation in the Central American country and believes that the necessary measures will be taken to avoid water collapse in the city and to guarantee access to water for all residents of Mexico. City, according to the newspaper Republic.

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On the other hand, another Latin American country that could run out of water Colombia. In Bogotá, millions of people had to adapt to new restrictions to guarantee drinking water supplies. For example, they had to deal with water cuts and fines for exceeding monthly consumption of water resources. Even Bogotá’s mayor, Carlos Fernando Colón, suggested bathing as a couple or limiting the use of water at home to save this important organ.

Water control measures in Colombia until October have made significant progress, including increasing water levels in the Singasa reservoir system.

How to deal with water scarcity?

system Provides the following tips to improve water management and reduce water stress:

  • Countries can improve their water governance by promoting water efficiency in agriculture, implementing integrated water resources management, and improving water infrastructure through nature-based solutions and green infrastructure.
  • In exchange for a commitment to invest in biodiversity or resilient infrastructure, such as mangrove restoration or wetland protection, international development banks and other lenders should consider strategic debt relief programs such as debt-for-nature swaps or debt relief.
  • Policymakers in water-scarce countries should prioritize other energy alternatives such as solar and wind to avoid power outages caused by water scarcity.
  • Cities should develop action plans to combat urban water scarcity, such as trying to reuse wastewater, which can create new sources of water for cities.
  • Farmers should adopt water-efficient practices such as switching to water-efficient crops or using sprinkler or drip irrigation instead of flooding fields.
  • Companies should set science-based water goals based on what science says is “enough” to stay within Earth’s reach and meet society’s needs.
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