According to Janet Barbosa, Christian Cueva sent Pamela Franco blue roses: “as well as tulips and a bottle of wine” | Pamela Lopez | Video | Showbiz | programs


Janet Barbosa revealed the details of the rumors between Christian Cueva And Pamela Franco before it became known that the footballer’s car appeared at the singer’s party. was Brunella Horna Pamela is the one who reported her suspicions regarding some blue roses to Lopez.

Franco Brunella Horna has defended her friend Pamela Lopez, assuring her that she and Christian Cueva are not broken up, but what the soccer player said after he openly approached Pamela Franco on her birthday.

According to Janet Barbosa, Christian Cueva sends blue roses to Pamela Franco

In addition, Richard Acuna’s wife, Janet Barbosa, took drastic measures after he told her about some mysterious roses he showed on his social networks, connecting the national team with them: “Janet wrote me a week ago and I told Pamela (Lopez). I called her, but there was not enough evidence to say or indicate that it was Christian Cuevas who sent her the flowers. She said she didn’t believe the rumors because they were rumours.” TV anchor said.

According to Janet Barbosa, the meeting at the party of the former ‘alma bella’ will not be the first approach between Pamela Franco and the sportsman, as he would have sent a bouquet of roses to her home. Additionally, on Tuesday, July 2, Cueva had lunch with Franco, he said: “Yesterday Pamela Franco had lunch (…) and they tell me that the car that brought Pamela Franco the food is the same car used by Christian Cueva.”

The ‘America Today’ host continued: Also, on her birthday, Pamela Franco receives tulips with a bottle of wine from the sender of these tulips, and this bottle of wine is Christian Cueva., Finished Janet Barbosa.

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