Bolivia | Luis Arce vs Evo Morales: Fight between MAS leaders worsens over accusations of “self-conspiracy” and “fascism” | Coup | Juan Jose Zuniga | Bolivia Elections 2025 | the world


Past June 26Around 2:00 p.m., the then Chief of Army Staff, Gen Juan Jose ZunigaHundreds Players And so on Tanks They broke in Murillo Square La Paz houses the headquarters of the executive and legislative branches. Then the army chief told the reporters Tried to “change the government cabinet”., “Re-establish” democracy and release “political prisoners”..

Bar: Was there really a coup attempt in Bolivia, and what will happen now in the Ars government?

Zunika He was fired for Ars A day before giving statements on television without authorization. He threatened in that interview Evo Morales cheater”seize itIf he perseveres with his intention to run as a presidential candidate in the 2025 election.

Military personnel stand in front of the Bolivian government headquarters in La Paz, Wednesday, June 26, 2024.  (EFE/ Luis Gandarillas).

Military personnel stand in front of the Bolivian government headquarters in La Paz, Wednesday, June 26, 2024. (EFE/ Luis Gandarillas).

/ Luis Canterillas

In films that went all over the world, A tank force opened the door to the presidential palace. After that, Ars came out to the entrance, facing Zunika and ordering him to retreat. Minutes later, the head of state administered the oath of office to the new army chief.

Zunika And the soldiers were expelled Murillo Square. It was on the same day was caught Later on The judge sentenced him to six months of detention.

General Juan Jose Zunica, the now deposed head of the Bolivian army, was taken away by police after he was arrested after leading a military operation that attempted to seize the government palace by force.  (Photo by Daniel Miranda / AFP).

General Juan Jose Zunica, the now deposed head of the Bolivian army, was taken away by police after he was arrested after leading a military operation that attempted to seize the government palace by force. (Photo: Daniel Miranda / AFP).

/ Daniel Miranda

By the time he was caught, Zúñiga informed the press and denounced that the action he had actually led was designed by President Arce. To boost his popularity, the president has refused.

After the military insurrection ended, Arce confirmed that he spoke briefly with Morales on the phone To warn you about rebellion Zunika Because he considered him his “friend”.

“It was clear that they were coming for me, but then it became clear to me that they were going to go for Evo Morales,” he said. Ars.

But Sunday Evo Morales condemned what actually happened on Wednesday as an attempted “self-coup”.. invited”Liar“A Ars And this said He tried to “sacrifice himself with crocodile tears”. To improve its performance ahead of 2025 elections.

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Ars He replied Morels Through his social networks: “Evo Morales, don’t make a mistake again! What happened on June 26 was clearly a failed coup in Bolivia “Don’t side with fascism that denies what happened!”

Tuesday, Morales returned to the match: “What happened on June 26 was very strange. “During the November 2019 coup, they tried to kill us, they persecuted us, not only me, but other officials, ministers, governors, mayors, leaders, they burned houses, killed many brothers,” he condemned.

“All this had the complicity and support of the United States and Luis Almagro,” said the then-Secretary General of the OAS.

The former president called for a “transparent and impartial” investigation into what happened.

Arce and Morales have been feuding since late 2021. Both intend to contest the 2025 elections Movement Towards Socialism (MAS). Last year, in the absence of the president and his loyal sectors, Evo was recognized as the leader of the party and named “the only candidate” for the upcoming elections, but that decision has been questioned by Arce and is still not certain.

Bolivian President Luis Arce (left) and former President Evo Morales greet each other at a meeting of the ruling Movement Towards Socialism (MAS) party in Quilacolo, Cochabamba department, November 21, 2020.  (Photo by FERNANDO CARTAGENA / AFP).

Bolivian President Luis Arce (left) and former President Evo Morales greet each other at a meeting of the ruling Movement Towards Socialism (MAS) party in Quilacolo, Cochabamba department, November 21, 2020. (Photo by FERNANDO CARTAGENA / AFP).

/ Fernando Cartagena

It should be remembered that in November 2019A civil-military revolt led to the resignation Morels For the presidency, he rejected allegations of electoral fraud and his re-election bid.

Since exile in Buenos Aires, Morales chose his economy minister, Luis Arce, as his presidential candidate for the October 2020 election. who conquered them.

According to EFE agency, over the weekend Morels Announced a new convention But still On 3rd September, will be held at Villa Tunari Traffic of Cochabamba, He promised that his political and union stronghold could declare himself a presidential candidate for 2025, this time with the approval of the Bolivian Electoral Commission.

How far can this political struggle escalate?

Consequences of the fight between Ars and Morales

A member of the police stands guard at the government palace in Bolivia, Friday, June 27, 2024.  (EFE/ Luis Gandarillas).

A member of the police stands guard at the government palace in Bolivia, Friday, June 27, 2024. (EFE/ Luis Gandarillas).

/ Luis Cantarillas

Bolivian journalist Rafael Archonto He said Trade what The fight between Morales and Ars Undoubtedly leading to a lot of turmoil Bolivia From now until the presidential election in August 2025.

He explained that even the nomination was disputed But still The Bolivian justice system, now in crisis since its mandate expired last year, must first decide whether to revoke the MAS brief or hand it over to one of the two sides. then, He also has to decide whether or not to run Morales as a candidate.

“These two decisions, with many future consequences, are very serious and will undoubtedly create strong conflicts. We are going to have an intense yearwhy This isn’t just a fight, it’s taking place within the party that has ruled Bolivia for nearly two decades.”, He noted Archonto.

He said the concrete outcome of the struggle would be to present two strong left-wing candidates: Morales and Ors. He had it with two different groups. “Next year’s polls are a sure thing Bolivia “There will be two competing identities to capture more than 50% of Bolivian voters who supported MAS five years ago.” He predicted.

Archonto If two candidates of MAS are presented, For the first time in a long time, the opposition will have a chance to win. If we talk about the 53% of voters who voted for MAS, we are already below 50% for both forces by the division of that segment. They will be deducted. That is why A third candidate has a chance“, he pointed out.

But still Archonto Further He said that now the opposition parties are weaker than everBecause it has about twenty candidates and it will be difficult to get a nomination. “What can be expected is that one of the 20 finally stands out and can go to the second round, in which case there will be a real chance of joining. “This does not guarantee that we will face the end of the MAS cycle.”I notice.


Economic crisis in Bolivia

  • Gas has been the engine of Bolivia’s economy since nationalization During the Evo Morales government, proceeds from sales were used to finance social projects. But due to lack of investment in exploration, no new fields were discovered and existing ones declined.
  • In April 2022, Bolivia became a net importer of energyBy starting to get more fuel from abroad than it sells to other countries.
  • Besides, The country ran low on its dollar reserves Subsidy on imported fuel should be maintained at international prices.
  • A decade ago, the Bolivian state had $15,122 million in reservesLast month the figure fell to $1,796 million.

Economic crisis in Bolivia

Could the polarization that the dispute between Morales and Arce is spreading in the country lead to another military uprising? Archonto thinks not. Explain what There is a sense of being used in the armed forces at this timeBy participating as an instrument in this dispute. “I want to emphasize that the Bolivian armed forces, especially since 1982, have experienced a continuous process of weakening, especially since the handover of power to the citizens, and that there is generally a deep dissatisfaction, but also a subordination. In Bolivia there is now no fighting between the fascist army and the democratic forces. That happened in the last century, until 1982..

“Last week 500 soldiers and 6 tanks alerted the world Bolivia was experiencing a coup d’état, not really, this letter is completely worn out, I don’t think the new generals will fall into this trap again. Already in 2019, the same charge was leveled against them.under control.

Archonto agrees with those who say there was no coup attempt in Bolivia on June 26.. “We were all surprised, too Evo Morales. And by the time a coup d’état happens, it won’t happen when everyone is awake in Europe and America. Anyone familiar with the coup d’état technique knows this at dawn. It dawns with the already established military government, That was the movement that Bolivia experienced until the 1980s. So, I think Evo Morales It wasn’t clear what was going on, the staging was so crude that practically everyone down to Javier Mili (Argentina’s president) Evo stopped believing the story of the coup.

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