Cancer biopsy with real-time hybrid imaging technology

Cancer biopsy with real-time hybrid imaging technology

Hybrims, a new spin-off of the Higher Council for Scientific Research (CSIC) and the University of Valencia (UV), has developed a biomedical imaging device that guides cancer biopsies in real time.

The Hybrims device combines PET (positron emission tomography) images with real-time ultrasound, allowing the biopsy needle to be precisely guided to the most active and invasive areas of the tumor.

This device allows for more precise cancer biopsy. By combining metabolic and morphologic images, it resolves intratumor heterogeneity, directing the biopsy needle to the most representative tissues of the tumor and lymph nodes. This guarantees that the samples obtained are most suitable for accurate diagnosis.

Furthermore, this precision in imaging allows oncology treatments to be personalized for each patient. With a detailed view of the tumor, doctors can optimize treatment, significantly improve prognosis, and reduce false positives and negatives.

Finally, Hybrims technology reduces overall treatment costs and improves the patient experience. By reducing the pain, stress and anxiety associated with traditional biopsy procedures, the device makes the procedure more bearable for patients.

Hybrims is one of the three new spin-offs supported by CSIC in the past year under a new procedure to facilitate technology transfer and creation of technology-based enterprises (EBC). Copyright licensed Hybrid Imaging Systems SL, The company behind this technology.

The device has significant potential for future applications. The combination of real-time metabolic and morphological images can be used in other fields of biomedicine, improving the diagnosis and treatment of various diseases. The spin-off is already the second joint venture approved by UV this year and the first to work with CSIC.

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The company offers a solution that improves diagnostic accuracy, personalizes treatment and lowers costs. This discovery could redefine the quality of cancer treatment, giving new hope to patients around the world.


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