Did Putin and Kim sign a NATO-style defense pact? This is known the world


This agreement has been reached amid tension between America And this I take it cheater Russia For the support of the West Ukraine, in addition to permanent military tension between the two Koreas. Another important actor in the geopolitical structure ChinaA very close ally of the North Korean regime that can feel displaced.

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There are concerns in the West that the deal implies that North Korea to provide Russia Increasingly Artillery Explosives What you need for your battle Ukraine. This is in exchange for economic aid and technology transfers that can increase the threat posed by missile and nuclear weapons programs Kim Jong-un.

Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong-un have breakfast during a state dinner in the North Korean capital, Pyongyang.  (EFE/EPA/Vladimir Smirnov / Sputnik / Kremlin).

Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong-un have breakfast during a state dinner in the North Korean capital, Pyongyang. (EFE/EPA/Vladimir Smirnov / Sputnik / Kremlin).

/ Vladimir Smirnov / Sputnik / KRE

Tuesday, a US State Department spokesman said Washington has confirmed that North Korea has “illegally transferred dozens of ballistic missiles” in recent months. And over 11,000 containers of ammunition to aid the Russian war effort.”

For his part, the US Secretary of State, Anthony Blinkenmentioned that the arrival of Putin Explains how Russia It tries to develop and strengthen relations with countries that can provide what it needs to continue the war of aggression launched against it. Ukraine”.

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Both Pyongyang and Moscow deny the weapons transfer allegations, which would violate several US sanctions. UN Russia has been supportive in the past.

Kim Jong-un gave a rousing welcome to Vladimir Putin in North Korea.  (GAVRIIL GRIGOROV/POOL/AFP via Getty Images).

Kim Jong-un gave a rousing welcome to Vladimir Putin in North Korea. (GAVRIIL GRIGOROV/POOL/AFP via Getty Images).


Thursday, South Korea He reacted to the alliance between Kim and Putin He said he was considering sending weapons to Ukraine, something it has so far refused to do. Seoul has only provided humanitarian aid to Kyiv.

Almost immediately, Putin He replied and warned South Korea Rather than sending weapons to Ukraine It was a “big mistake”.. He also said that war materials could be supplied to Moscow as well North Korea.

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In ChinaForeign Ministry spokesman Lin Jian described the agreement between Moscow and Pyongyang as “bilateral agreements between two sovereign nations.”

What do you know about the Putin-Kim alliance?

Russian President Vladimir Putin shakes hands with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un after a signing ceremony following bilateral talks at Kumshusan State House in Pyongyang, June 19, 2024.  (Photo: Kristina Gormilitsina / POOL / AFP).

Russian President Vladimir Putin shakes hands with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un after a signing ceremony following bilateral talks at Kumshusan State House in Pyongyang, June 19, 2024. (Photo: Kristina Gormilitsina / POOL / AFP).

/ Kristina Gormilitsina

According to the text Comprehensive strategic partnership agreement A statement issued by the Korean Central News Agency and quoted by the AP agency said that if either country were to invade and be forced into a state of war, the other should use “all means without delay to provide military and other assistance.” ” But the document also states that such actions must be in accordance with internal laws Russia Y North Korea And with him Article 51 of the United Nations Charter, which is the UN Security Council. Recognizes the rights of member states. Russia has not released a version of the speech.

The agreement marks the strongest rapprochement between Russia and North Korea since the end of the Cold War.


Article 5 of the NATO Treaty

“The Parties agree that an armed attack against one or more of them in Europe or North America shall be considered an attack against all of them, and accordingly, in the event of such an attack, each of them agrees. By exercising the right of individual or collective self-defense recognized by Article 51 of the Charter of the United Nations, the attacked To assist the Party or Parties, then individually and in agreement with other Parties, to take such measures as may be necessary to restore and maintain international peace and security, including the restoration of security in the North Atlantic region, and all measures taken as a result thereof shall be brought to the attention of the Security Council..

said analysts cited by AP This agreement is a promise by either country to intervene if the other country is attacked. This renewed the agreement made under the 1961 treaty between North Korea and the Soviet Union. That treaty was dismantled after the collapse of the Soviet Union and provided weaker security guarantees in 2000.

The New Deal, according to some experts, Care is advised to avoid engaging in automated interventions The circumstances under which any country is forced to engage in military action are strictly regulated.

This photo is taken of Kim and Putin in an open car during a welcome ceremony at Kim Il-sung Square in Pyongyang on June 19, 2024.  (AFP).

This photo is taken of Kim and Putin in an open car during a welcome ceremony at Kim Il-sung Square in Pyongyang on June 19, 2024. (AFP).


During the summit in Pyongyang, Putin Russia and North Korea have a “deep friendship,” he said This deal is “the strongest deal ever”.. For its part, Kim pledged full support for the war in Ukraine.

Putin said Thursday The treaty requires military assistance “only if aggression is carried out” against a party. He argued that South Korea should “not worry” if it is not planning any aggression against North Korea.

Regarding mutual cooperation, Putin pointed out that “we cannot exclude the development of the military-technical cooperation of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea in accordance with the signed document.”

North Korean state media said, according to AP agency The agreement requires countries to take steps to strengthen their collective defense capabilities. But they did not specify what those activities would be, or whether they would include joint military exercises.

The accord also calls for countries to actively cooperate in efforts to establish a “just and multipolar new world order,” according to the North’s Korean Central News Agency.

Is there a big conflict brewing?

Putin and Kim walk during a farewell ceremony at Sunan International Airport on June 19, 2024 in Pyongyang, North Korea.  (EFE/EPA/GAVRIIL GRIGOROV / SPUTNIK / KREMLIN).

Putin and Kim walk during a farewell ceremony at Sunan International Airport on June 19, 2024 in Pyongyang, North Korea. (EFE/EPA/GAVRIIL GRIGOROV / SPUTNIK / KREMLIN).

Enrique BanusThe director of the Institute of European Studies at the University of Beura considers the delivery of arms after the treaty. North Korea A Russia to the war in Ukraine.

“Maybe this is an indicator Russia Because weapons are needed Its production was not in keeping with the needs of the war. It has some consequences due to factors like corruption, technology gap, barriers and sanctions. “The Russians also recycle old weapons,” Banus said Trade.

In general, he argued, the agreement would not change the situation much because both were causal Russia as North Korea He pointed out that they are located on the axis of non-friends of the West, but this worsens the current geopolitical situation.

“I don’t see a collision imminent North Korea, I don’t think anyone is interested in opening another front and making the current situation more complicated than it already is. “Obviously, if something happens, Moscow and Pyongyang have an agreement and these must be fulfilled,” he stressed.

Ebony Noted it’s worth asking now How is the relationship between North Korea and China?. “Change some? In theory it doesn’t have to change, but it’s unclear what the sensitivities are in Beijing and whether they see any reason to reduce support for Kim.”

Putin and Kim attend a state reception in Pyongyang, North Korea on June 19, 2024.  (EFE/EPA/VLADIMIR SMIRNOV / SPUTNIK / KREMLIN).

Putin and Kim attend a state reception in Pyongyang, North Korea on June 19, 2024. (EFE/EPA/VLADIMIR SMIRNOV / SPUTNIK / KREMLIN).

Andres Gomez de la Torre, An expert on security issues, agreed Russian demand for conventional artillery ammunition is evident Y Rockets North Korean short- and medium-range missiles, which are already used by the Russian military Ukraine.

On North Korea’s part, there is a very clear need to improve its ballistic technologyBecause you need rocket launch systems to place satellites. There is a very important concern on the part of the armed forces North Korea To improve their technologies through the so-called Spy satellites, information retrieval, where they had a very bad experience. It is an urgent need in strategic terms,” Gómez de la Torre told this Diario.

“Further reading is worrisome China With this alliance, the famous swing in security matters is associated with policies. This is what the Chinese did when they approached during the 1972 Cold War America They played the Russian card, which is the complexity of international relations,” said Gómez de la Torre.

Internationalist Francisco Belaunde Matossian should also be considered Putin wants more munitions and missiles, because its industry, despite being put on a wartime basis, has become overwhelming. “For that, North Korea is perfect because from a technological point of view, they have built their weapons system based on the Soviet model. It suits him very well. So definitely After this agreement, the support already provided will increase”.

Regarding the concerns of other powers, Belaunde Matossian said there is already concern South KoreaCan deploy weapons Ukraine In replying. “And, paradoxically though it may be, China views the deal with some reservationsBecause it is assumed that he wants to maintain a close relationship North KoreaLet’s say that deal doesn’t suit you so well. Of course Japan, America and Europe also see this alliance as a threat.

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