EFE Economic Day Topics for Tuesday, July 2, 2024

EFE Economic Day Topics for Tuesday, July 2, 2024

June unemployment

MADRID – The labor and content ministries release data on registered unemployment and social security attachment for June, the best data for the month since 2018, after an average of 220,289 affiliates were added in May.

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LISBON – European Central Bank (ECB) President Christine Lagarde and US Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell are participating in a panel at the annual ECB Forum, along with the governors of the central banks of Brazil and the UK. In Sintra.

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Summer tour

Madrid – Hotel association CEHAT and consulting firm PwC present their outlook for this summer, promising new achievements over and above those already achieved in the historic 2023 season.



Public employment

Madrid – The Council of Ministers plans to approve a record job offer for the fourth consecutive year this Tuesday with more than 40,000 places, half of which will have free access, while 10% will be reserved for people with disabilities.

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EU Inflation

BRUSSELS – Eurostat, the social statistics office, publishes its preliminary estimate of year-on-year inflation for June, the first data since the ECB decided to cut rates, rising to 2.6% in May.



EU unemployment

BRUSSELS – Eurostat, the social statistics office, publishes unemployment data for May in the euro zone and the European Union, with the indicator in April at 6.4% in the single currency countries and 6% in the twenty-seven.



EU China

BRUSSELS/BEIJING – The European Commission (EC) will announce on the 4th provisional duties on electric vehicles imported from China after conducting a preliminary investigation and concluding that they illegally subsidize and harm society. Producers.



Chile EU

Santiago, Chile – EU Energy Commissioner Kadri Simpson concluded a two-day official visit to Chile, focusing on the Latin American country’s push for a green hydrogen industry, challenges and opportunities for renewable energy companies, and strategic cooperation on critical raw materials.

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Information agenda

9:00 am- Madrid.- Unemployment June.- The Ministry of Labor and Inclusion publishes data on registered unemployment and social security attachment for June. (Text)

9:00 am- Madrid.- PYMES employers.- Information breakfast organized by Forum Europa with Gerardo Cuerva, President of Cepyme. The Ritz Hotel. (Text)

9:00 am- Madrid.- Tourist accommodations.- The National Institute of Statistics (INE) publishes the survey related to May 2024 on non-hotel tourist accommodations (apartments, campsites, rural tourist accommodations and hostels). (Text) .

9:30 am- Madrid.- FRANCHISE SECTOR.- The Spanish Franchise Association (AEF) presents the report “Franchising in Spain 2024” with data on the situation of this business organization in Spain. Negocenter Business Center. Paseo de la Castellana, 135, 6th Floor, Room 614.

10:00 am- Madrid.- 5G Telecommunications.- Maria González Veracruz, Secretary of State for Telecommunications and Digital Infrastructure and Jaime Martoral, Special Commissioner of the PERTE Chip of the Ministry of Digital Transformation and Public Service, will participate in 5G. Observatory organized by El Español.

– 10.40am- Maria González Veracruz, Secretary of State for Telecommunications and Digital Infrastructure

– 10.55am – Sergio Sánchez, Director of Operations, Network and IT at Telefónica Spain

– 11.50 am – Jaime Martoral, Special Commissioner of PERTE Chip, Ministry of Digital Transformation and Public Services

– 1.15 pm.- Alfonso Alvarez, CEO of Cellnex España

10:00 am- Madrid.- Unemployment June.- Labor, Joaquín Pérez Rey, and the Secretaries of State for Social Security and Pensions, Borja Suárez, present registered unemployment and attachment data for June. Castellana, 63. (Text)

10:00 am- Madrid.- Court of Accounts.- President of the Court of Accounts, Enriqueta Chicano, will act at an information event of the Council of Economists on the role of the Court in modern public administration. Nicasio Gallego, 8 (Text)

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10:30 am- Madrid.- Self Employed Forum.- Antonio Karamendi, President of the CEO, opens the V Entrepreneurship and Self Employed Forum, which is closed by the Secretary of State for Social Security (5:00 pm). Borja Suarez, and Lorenzo Amor, president of the ATA in Madrid. Mateo Inuria, 2 (Text)

10:30 am- Madrid.- Safety at work.- 1ª de Mayo Foundation presents the Adapheat report on health and safety policies at work in response to heat events in Spain and Europe. Fernández de la Hoz, 12 (Text)

10:30 am- Madrid.- LANTANIA StrategY.- Lantania infrastructure, water and energy group, Federico Ávila, will lead the evolution of the company this year, advance its plans for the future and review its 2023 results. Soprato Street, 2.

10:45h.- Madrid.- Spanish debt.- Treasury auctions 6 and 12 month bills

11:00h.- Madrid.- Summer Tourism.- Hotel Association CEHAT and PwC present the perspectives and evolution for this summer. Hotel Orfila (Calle de Orfila, 6) (text).

11:00h.- Almussafes (Valencia).- FORD ERE.- Ford Almussafes ERE negotiations continue, progressing in the search for a solution for almost a thousand workers included in the initial ERE of 1,622 people, the company has a firm contract. 626 Proposal for structural surpluses.

11:30 am- Madrid.- Agricultural report.- The financial company Cajamar presents the 2023 report of its Observatory on the Spanish agri-food sector in the European context, which will reveal in parameters the evolution of the sector over the past year. As its contribution to the country’s GDP and employment.

3:00 pm- Barcelona.- Telecommunications Cellnex.- Marco Patuano, CEO of Cellnex Telecom, participates in a discussion organized at Circulo Equestre Palmas, 169 (text)

Madrid.- VODAFONE DISMISSALS.- The first two-hour strike in Vodafone Spain, called by the unions, rejected the ERE for almost 1,200 employees, proposed by the company’s new management.

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11:00 am- Brussels.- EU UNEMPLOYMENT.- Eurostat publishes EU unemployment data for May. (text)

11:00 am- Paris.- OECD AGRICULTURE.- The OECD and FAO release their annual Agriculture Outlook, forecasting possible developments over the next ten years.

15:30h.- Lisbon.- ECB FORUM.- Christine Lagarde, President of the European Central Bank (ECB) and Jerome Powell, President of the US Federal Reserve, participate in a panel with the Governors of Central Banks. At the annual ECB Forum in Sintra, Brazil and England. (Text) (Video)

17:00h.- Paris.- EU BANKING.- The European Banking Authority (EBA) publishes its European Banking Risk Report.

Geneva.- TRANSPORT ENVIRONMENT.- The environmental organization Greenpeace publishes a list of European cities that are connected by train, one of the means of transport considered the most sustainable in the face of climate change. (text)


3:00 pm- Quito.- ECUADOR AVIATION.- Presentation of the results of the Ecuadorian study ‘Options to decarbonize aviation in Latin America in a sustainable way: assessment of carbon policies, carbon prices and fuel consumption in aviation until 2050’, sponsored by the Chilean airline Ladam, carried out by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Ignis Restaurant, Alfonso Lamina and Rio Tara, Lumpisi (Text)

18:00h.- Santiago de Chile.- EU CHILE.- EU Energy Commissioner, Kadri Simson, visit to Chile (text) (photo) (video)



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