Generics will invest 100 million to update its technology till 2028

Generics will invest 100 million to update its technology till 2028

Generics announced its new phase of innovation, supported by an investment of 100 million euros until 2028, with the aim of reinventing its entire suite of applications and technologies in the era of AI.

Generics are driving innovation and gearing up for rapid and incremental profit growth in the SaaS industry. The investment aims to completely reinvent the way Generix creates, sells, operates and delivers unique value to its customers through an updated portfolio of digital applications and technologies: AI-ready, fully modular, open and built for the cloud.

With roadmaps aimed at delivering customer value, frequent product updates and simplified migrations, innovations are phased in to ease adoption so that each customer can implement new solutions at their own pace.

“Through our new innovation strategy, we are creating a brighter future for our customers around the world. This is the largest investment initiative in Generics’ history,” said Rafael Sanchez, Chairman and CEO of Generics Group.

Artificial intelligence

To help companies benefit from the AI ​​revolution, a new AI and Innovation Lab is being created under the direction of Chief Marketing and Product Officer Si-Mohamed SAID.

The new IA Lab is designed to implement co-innovation projects with customers in high-added-value use cases such as decision support, business process automation, human-robot interactions and sustainable development.

Generix is ​​upgrading its company and its research and development (R&D) resources, creating a new Digital Factory team and accelerating innovation, thanks to a new generation cloud technology platform. Digital applications. Jonathan Cyr becomes global head of the digital factory to drive adoption of innovation. Jonathan joined Generix in 2018 and has over twenty years of software engineering experience. Most recently, he served the company as vice president of R&D in the North American region. In the early 2000s, he built and ran his own ERP/MRP/WMS software company for thirteen years. After selling the company, he became CEO of a mid-sized distribution company for four years before joining Generics.

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Likewise, a new Modern Applications Group was created under the direction of Frank Lisi-Charton, with a new Global Head of Modern Applications. Frank will focus on modernizing all existing applications and building modular, AI-powered SaaS solutions to drive customer value in the cloud. Frank was the Chief Technology Officer (CTO) of DDS, which was acquired by Generix in 2023 and specializes in global transportation, procurement and import management systems with a co-shipping platform.

Prior to joining DDS, he worked for four years as Technical Director of the Smart City Program for an EDF subsidiary. Chopra has over twenty years of experience in enterprise software development acquired from leading digital services companies such as Steria and Capgemini.


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