It’s a Peruvian superfood that prevents diabetes, boosts the immune system, and reduces inflammation

In the picture you can see soursop pulp, which is characterized by its soft and creamy texture. (

It will be exported only in 2022 fruit It doubled from the previous year and reached 77 tons worth USD 246 thousand. Its main destinations were Chile, Argentina, Spain and the United States Superfood Frozen pulp, dried leaves or powdered leaves are usually exported Peruvian.

Junin comes from the forests of our country like Ucayali and Loreto and is used all over the world as a natural medicine to fight various diseases. fruit The exotic from the Amazon is known in the world not only for its sweet and sour taste but also for its many health benefits such as prevention. diabetesProgress Immune system and reduction inflammation: about this Sour.

The fruit has a sweet and sour flavor, similar to a combination of strawberry and pineapple or mango and pineapple (Getty Images).

The SourAlso known as graviola and its scientific name Annona muricatais a fruit Edible grown in tropical countries.

pulp Sour It is fibrous, white and contains more than 100 soft black seeds. This is fruit It has a sweet and sour taste, similar to a combination of strawberry and pineapple or mango and pineapple. This is Superfood The Peruvian has a thin, hard bright green shell covered with soft spines fruit.

Due to its unique taste, pulp Sour It is used to make juice, sweets, jam and curd, while the leaves are used to make tea.

Soursop leaves are used to make tea (Getty Images)

The Sour Helps prevent insulin resistance and diabetes Because this superfood contains high levels of antioxidants responsible for protecting the pancreatic cells, which are responsible for the production of insulin.


On the other hand, the Sour It is high in fiber which slows down the absorption of sugar. It helps control blood glucose levels in those already diagnosed diabetes.

In a 2019 study published in Medicinal Plant ScienceA journal that publishes articles on clinical evidence, based on which it is stated Sour Sufferers can get a natural remedy diabetes And its consumption has little or no adverse side effects.

One whole soursop contains 215% of the recommended daily value of vitamin C (green matter).

The Sour It is a Superfood Rich in antioxidants like vitamin C and quercetin, it helps neutralize damage caused by free radicals, thus strengthening skin cells. Immune system.

Free radicals are molecules that accumulate in cells, damage other molecules, and increase the risk of many chronic diseases. Meanwhile he Immune system Responsible for protecting the body against diseases, hence consumption Sour It helps prevent allergies, colds and flu.

It should be taken into account a Sour Whole vitamin C contains 215% of the recommended daily amount. In addition, it fruit It contains other types of antioxidants like phytosterols, tannins and flavonoids, which play a fundamental role in general health as they protect the body against various diseases.

Soursop is beneficial in fighting other diseases or conditions such as cancer, ulcers and diarrhea (Vakram).

As it is high in antioxidants, Sour is a fruit It also has anti-inflammatory properties that reduce the production of cytokines. The latter are promoting molecules inflammation in the body.

So, this Superfood It relieves the symptoms of inflammatory diseases like gout, gout and rheumatoid arthritis.

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In addition to its positive effects diabetesHe Immune system And this inflammationThe Sour It is beneficial in fighting cancer, ulcers, diarrhea, bacteria, viruses, wound healing and other diseases or conditions like high blood pressure.

Frozen pulp, dried leaves or powdered leaves are commonly exported as this Peruvian superfood (Getty Images)

Soursop is a tropical fruit that provides a variety of beneficial nutrients for nutrition and health. Among these nutrients, vitamins stand out, especially vitamin C, known for its ability to strengthen the immune system and act as a powerful antioxidant. It protects cells from damage caused by free radicals.

Besides, Contains B vitamins such as folic acid (B9).Essential for healthy blood cells and proper fetal development.

Apart from vitamins, this food also provides dietary fiber, which is important for maintaining a healthy digestive system, preventing constipation and controlling blood sugar levels. And this fiber Helps to prolong the feeling of satisfaction, which can contribute to weight management. In summary, consuming tamarind as part of a balanced and varied diet can provide health benefits.

consumption Sour, first it is necessary to choose ripe fruits, recognizable by its soft skin and slightly soft to the touch. Before consuming it, it is important to wash it properly to remove any impurities from the surface. Next, cut the soursop in half with a knife, scoop out the white, creamy pulp with a spoon, and discard the black seeds as they are not edible.

Pulp can be enjoyed in many ways. For example, people often eat fruit directly with a spoon. In addition, it is often used in the preparation of refreshing drinks such as fruit juices and smoothies, to flavor food by mixing it with water and sugar. Further, It can be used in the preparation of desserts like mousses and ice creams..

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