Janet Barbosa said Melissa Klug will benefit from the proceeds from the Jefferson Farfan mall: “What belongs to the children belongs to the mother.”

Janet Barbosa said Melissa Klug will benefit from the proceeds from the Jefferson Farfan mall: “What belongs to the children belongs to the mother.”
Melissa Gluck will benefit from Jefferson Farfan’s profits at her shopping center America Today – America TV

It looks like it Melissa Gluck Jefferson, the father of her two children, will reap economic benefits from Farban’s new venture. After his retirement Professional footballFormer player Lima Alliance He decided to invest in a construction and looked for ways to sustain his income shopping complex At kilometer 40 of the old Panamericana Sur highway.

In an interview for the show ‘America Today’The former Peruvian national team forward confirmed that he entered the real estate industry for two main reasons: his mother Donna Charowho encouraged him to expand his horizons outside the court and his Four childrenTo whom you wish to continue to give A comfortable standard of living They are currently enjoying.

“I’m going to start with something you’ll soon find out, and it has to do with construction. [Sobre el tema de ahorrar e invertir] Obviously you offer your tastes, but you have to think about it Children and the future of the family. For me, this is the most important thing,” said the former footballer, adding that The ‘Fogita Mall’ A fact.

Jefferson Farfan built a shopping center to secure his family’s future. Capture/USA TV

According to Janet Barbosa, Melissa Gluck There is an indirect benefit from that profit Jefferson Farfan Create your new shopping complex. The former footballer has confirmed that a portion of the proceeds will go to his four heirs, two of whom are ‘Blanca from Chucuito‘. For this reason, it is the businessman who manages the money as his children are not yet of age.

Melissa Klug will benefit financially from ‘Foquita Mall’. Infobae composition

“I think Melissa Gluck is the one who’s happy with rockets, white rats, and exploding volcanoes right now. “This will be her children’s legacy, Jefferson said, and what belongs to the children belongs to the mother,” said the host.America TodaySupported by ‘ Brunella Horna.

Janet Barbosa Another of the beneficiaries of this situation pointed out that there is no more and no less Darinka RamírezThe mother of the last child Jefferson Farfan, less than three years of age. “She is already insured because she has a child, and now she will get part of the shopping center. She works very hard to leave her children, which affects mothers,” added ‘Rulitos’.

Melissa Gluck has two sons, Jeremy and Adriano, with Jefferson Farfan. Instagram/@jefferson_farfan_oficial

In May 2022, Melissa Gluck He said he never benefited financially Jefferson Farfan Or their former partners. As he explained, they do not derive any personal benefit from the funds, but only comply with a legal obligation to transfer an amount exclusively to cover the basic expenses of their children.

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“I have no use for his money or my children’s parents. They have done the right thing. I have an agreement with Jefferson that the beneficiaries are my children. I am working. And let people continue to have their say because at the end of the day it’s my life and I’m living it,” he said during an interview.USA shows‘.

Melissa Klug confirms that she never used Jefferson Farfan’s money for her personal gain. Capture/USA TV

Additionally, Melissa Gluck She reaffirmed that she raised her children without help. “That’s what I always say. I have a long relationship with the father of my children and just because he keeps a roof over his head and food doesn’t mean he helps me with everything he does. Cultivation, Medicine, Education, Dress. There is no comparison to how universal it is to support your children,” she said.

According to plan’America Today‘, Jefferson Farfan He appears to be one of the investors in the new shopping center, which will open in December this year at kilometer 40 of the old Panamericana Sur. The ex-footballer would have invested 55 million solesThis will allow you to rent an area 8,700 metros Squares inside the mall.

Significant investment made by Jefferson Farfan It involves their active participation in construction supervision to ensure proper utilization of their capital. As of now, I don’t know.Fogita MallOther investors or if Farfan is the sole financial person responsible for the project.

Jefferson Farfán is one of the investors building his own shopping center.

Jefferson Farfan Y Roberto Guizazola Participated in a different interview with Edson Davila. The ex-football players took to ‘Giselo’s’ podcast called ‘Edson Pa’ Q Mass’ where they faced embarrassing questions from the ‘America Hoy’ host.

Jefferson Farfan and Roberto Guizazola served 500 soles before destroying Edson Davila’s set. YouTube Edson Dávila

During the conversation, Jefferson Farfan He talked about aspects of his career and personal life Edson Davila He joked about Melissa Gluck’s case and recalled the moment when the former footballer danced to the tune of ‘Muayue El Toto’, popularized by Yahaira Placencia.

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another time, Edson Davila he asked Jefferson Farfan Y Roberto Guizazola Whether they wanted Yahaira Plasencia or Daniela Darcourt, this created a tense atmosphere. Roberto Yahaira chose Plasencia, while Jefferson, keeping a serious tone, refrained from choosing between the two, highlighting that both were capable.


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