Northern agricultural expansion at risk: 28 agricultural exporters “threatened” warning | Atas | Companies | Composol | Agricultural Export | Independence | Hydrantin | Economy


Yuri ArmasDirector ADAS, Composol brought together companies like Viru, Sol de Laredo, Mission Produce, Casa Grande, and described the lack of electricity in the Viru and Sao valleys, where the first phases of the Chavimochi irrigation project are located. Expand agricultural horizons and create jobs. “Around 28 companies have been affected by this. Agricultural exporters With 26,200 hectares of cultivated fields, with an option to expand the agricultural area to another 18,000 hectares, it will create 80,000 additional jobs.“, he explained Management.

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In view of this, he pointed out the urgent need for the government to take decisions to invest in power supply, which it is currently responsible for. Hitrantina State Institute. Unfortunately, the resources generated by this institution are channeled to Lima, preventing returns for investments at the local level. “The big problem with that is that there aren’t enough budgets to meet the needs of the population and the job-creating companies.” He said.

In this context, it was considered essential to speed up the processes for the construction of the new Virú substation, which has been in development for five years. “Our demand capacity is not satisfied, which prompts the generator set to generate electrical energy by burning fuel. This prevents the expansion of planted areas, because in the desert we have to pump and re-pump water, which requires energy. Additionally, in processing plants, production lines cannot be expanded due to electrical load limitations, which limits job creation and Reduces investments“, he reiterated.

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The lack of electricity affects the entire population of Chao and Viru About 300,000 people, who face power quality problems. “In La Libertad, the growth of electric power is 6% annually. 6% is delayed every year and the project has already accumulated 5 to 6 years of delay.”, he highlighted.

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Agricultural propaganda and lack of competitiveness

Los Northern Agricultural Exporters They still face various challenges derived from the El Nino event of 2023, because some crops have suffered adverse effects due to their growth during high temperatures. This has resulted in problems such as smaller fruits or reduced crop weight.

Specifically For butter, 2024 will not be a good yearwhen Expect recovery in blueberry productionIts main flowering and fruiting phase occurred during the cooler months“, he said. In terms of investments and expansion in cultivation areas, the The main concern is to restore the competitiveness of the agricultural export sectorComment Weapons.

In recent years, except for 2023, the growth of cultivated hectares has been steady, reaching 1,600 additional hectares annually. However, moderate growth of between 200 and 300 hectares is expected this year, reflecting “Significant competitive slowdown due to government factors”. ADAS-making companies provide direct employment to about 140,000 people, with an injection of S/ 4.3 billion in salaries and wages.

In view of this, it was considered essential to increase the area under cultivation to generate more employment.

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About the author

Karen Cordia Quisbe

Jaime is a graduate of the University of Bausate y Meza in Journalism with 20 years of professional experience. He worked in media such as TV Perú and Perú21. He also worked in trade unions like SNMPE and SNI. Since 2016, it has been a part of Kestian newspaper.

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