“Nubeluz, Farewell”: The Dalinas Talk All About Their Last Concert, Promising It’ll Be An Amazing Musical Journey | Childhood | ARE


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Dancing and singing fun children’s songs, with messages that are still valid, the “nubelus” created its own culture. During those years, it was the dream of thousands of boys and girls in Latin America to go to Amuda Coliseum, where the show was broadcast live. Holding the iconic blue cone in your hands and discovering its mysterious contents was, and still is, the greatest fantasy of many. Nostalgia has become a very lucrative business, and three decades after the popular show premiered, comes the chance to do it live once again.

/ Giuseppe Falla

Talinas of the heart

We are less than a month away from the last presentation of “Nubelus” and thinking about it, Almendra Komalski’s hair is falling out: “What did we do?!”, reveals the beloved Talina and star of Peruvian television. , between nerves and joy. “The proposal for this show was a surprise to everyone because we thought it would be 25 years [hace 8] It will be the end of it all, but the cloud prepared a very big farewell for all of us who were a part of it. Technologically, things are so amazing, the cloud deserves to end up like this,” asserts Almendra via Zoom.

Xiomy Xibillé and Lilianne Braun are also connected from abroad where they currently live. For them, the opportunity to step foot on Peruvian soil again and relive what was the best period of their careers was of significant value. Let’s remember that “Nubeluz” was broadcast in more than 20 countries in Latin America and the United States. It was a huge hit that achieved a very strong emotional connection among its then ‘nupedores’, as they called their small audience, in their own vocabulary; and the ‘Nupezinos’, the boys and girls who were lucky enough to take part with them on the television set. This cast of women in their twenties can fill stadiums and travel on tours for more than 30 days in a row. “Nubeluz” was a childish tantrum.

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Marco Zunino, Daniela Sarfati, Rosana Fernandez Maldonado and other members of Colmodis and Cindelas "Nubelus".

Marco Zunino, Daniela Sarfati, Rosana Fernandez Maldonado and other members of Colmodis and Cindelas, in the set “Nubelus”.

/ Photo archive

Xiomy Xibillé is amazed every day by the gratitude of the generations who grew up with them. “After 34 years, they want to continue singing, dancing and bringing our message to new generations. “It’s truly a blessing to be back on stage this time saying ‘Thank you and Goodbye’, but with the hope of a very impressive show they’ll have in Lima this year,” he tells us.

On the other hand, she tells us that one of the strongest reasons why Lillian Brown agreed to participate was to be together again: “We feel a family togetherness, it’s like meeting a school class. Everyone may have their own career, but wherever we go, at any time, Almendra, Ciomi and Lily are Dalina,” she says. Additionally, the entire cast of Cindelas, Golmodis and clowns will be present in “Nubelous, The Farewell,” which has not happened in previous shows. Among them, Marco Zunino, Cristian Rivero, and Maria Pia and Anna Carina Cobello.

But how does a show that aired 34 years ago still evoke nostalgia in the present and keep people dancing? “It has a timeless message,” Xiomy replies. “The values ​​inculcated in the program have been able to touch the lives of the children. Arriving amidst the political and social problems Latin America was experiencing at the time, ‘Nubeluz’ became balm to hearts. Also, messages like taking care of the body, taking care of nature or playing are still in fashion, messages that will last forever, says Xiomy about unforgettable songs like “Let’s Play”, “Daddy”. , stop smoking” or “I wanna be”, reminiscing the magic of the nineties.

Popular Heat

Anticipation for this meeting is strongly felt on social media. Nupedors from Ecuador, Colombia, Argentina, Chile, El Salvador and other countries are leaving their messages on the official “Nubeluz” account—and other accounts auto-generated by their fans—remembering how the show marked their lives. Some promise to come to Lima with their families for the event, as do followers from the provinces. Others did not fail to mention the unforgettable Monica Santa Maria, ‘Dalina Chiquita’, who died 30 years ago, leaving a void that will be hard to fill on television. “Nubeluz, Farewell” will be the last chance to see the Dalinas, Cindelas and Colmodis on stage in Peru, although they are leaving open the possibility of taking the show to other countries. Let’s hope the magic of the cloud travels for many years to come. //


called claudinosino

– The long awaited meeting “Nubeluz, Farewell” will be held on July 20 at the San Marcos Stadium. You can purchase your tickets through www.teleticket. com.pe.

In the cast you’ll find the lovely Dalinas Almendra Komalski, Ciomy Sibylle and Lily Brown. Among Cindelas and Colmodis, there will be Maria Pia Copello, Daniela Sarfati, Anabel Elias, Rosana Fernandez Maldonado, Anna Carina Copello, Antoinette Elias, Marco Zunino and Cristian Rivero.

– The stadium will open at 12 noon. There will be a fair, games and stands to live the complete “Nubeluz” experience. The program starts at 7 am.


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