Ramiro Romero is an example of missionary power in the knowledge economy

Ramiro Romero is an example of missionary power in the knowledge economy

Employment in the knowledge economy grew by 3.6% in 2023, equivalent to 494,000 jobs, which is 7.4% of total private employment nationwide. In this framework, Ramiro Romero, a young man from Posada, tells what it’s like to work for an international startup far from his homeland.

Knowledge economy is one of the races that is strongly practiced in missions, training in programming and software development is constant Silicon Works, and laws that dismantle the foundation of education to lay new pillars towards the technological world. The race is becoming more secure, according to a recent report by Argencon, an Argentinian conglomerate of companies in the knowledge sector.

in the name of Argeneconomics 2024The performance of the knowledge economy showed positive results at the national level in 2023, with annual export growth of 2.9%, with total exports abroad of US $8,104 million. Employment increased by 3.6%, translating to 494,000 jobs, or 7.4% of total private employment nationwide.

Within this framework, hundreds of missionaries have been able to become part of this workforce and stand out in the IT world thanks to their knowledge and preparation. One of these success stories is the young Posadeño Ramiro RomeroGaston holds a Computer Engineering degree from Tachary University and is currently pursuing a Masters in Software Engineering at the National University of La Plata.

The young man, raised in the missionary capital, revealed in an interview channel12missions.comWhat is the experience of working in an international startup far away from your home country?

Remote work, the door to a new world

According to Romero, he got the job through an employment network. LinkedIn is the largest platform targeting the work world with over 1 billion members and 49 million users who visit each week..

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“I was with a team of about 15 people and it was a start-up, so it wasn’t a very vertical company either. I had to be in the role of technical project management, basically, the project manager also looking after the technical side,” he clarified.

Along these lines, he highlighted the pros and cons of remote work, which included his lack of social interaction with colleagues. “You don’t go into an office, so the social interaction with your colleagues isn’t the same as in a face-to-face format.” And he loved the fact that the work was so contradictory “There’s no need to be mobile for an office, where clothing can be a little more relaxed.”

Working remotely abroad has given me great opportunities to meet people from other countries.. As I mentioned, the company was based in Mexico, but had workers from different nationalities, such as Venezuela and Chile. “One can empathize with many of their customs, the vocabulary they use, learn a little about their customs and their culture,” he said.

Training and experience are the basic factors for hiring

On the other hand, those looking to work remotely or enter the IT job world, Romero suggested, “continue training and coaching” while looking for smaller projects to gain work experience. Experienced and trained personnel are required.

“Today’s companies are not 2019-2020 looking for less experienced software developers, given their scarcity. Now there is a stable job market and they expect more demands, so the competition among developers is very high.He said.

This thought of Romero is perfectly formulated in the recent report of the Argentina-German Association of Industry and Commerce (AHK Argentina) “Perspectives 2030: Talent, Employment and Innovation”. 86% of companies surveyed report that they face difficulties in attracting qualified talent to their respective organizations today.

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In this framework, he highlighted that it is difficult for freshers at the start as companies look for senior experience, which translates into more than five or six years of work experience. “They really value experience, so it’s a little bit harder for kids starting out in this world, but Once one breaks that barrier, the path becomes more accessible”, he concluded.

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