Thursday, May 9, 2024

Tremors in Peru Today, May 8 – Live Seismic Report by IGP: Exact Time, Location and Magnitude | composition

Peru is located in the Pacific Ring of Fire, which emits more than 85% of the energy inside the Earth, so it is a very seismic country, one of many in...

It Wasn’t Christopher Columbus or 3 Caravels: Find Out Who First Sighted America | Venezuela | USA | Colombia | ...

History of the discovery of the "New World". Photo: LR/ABC composite Christopher Columbus' voyage to the Americas with his three ships - Santa Maria, Pinta and Nina is...

Today, May 8: Exact time, magnitude and epicenter of the last earthquake in the US via USGS | United States Geological Survey |...

America In some cases, it experiences a series of natural phenomena that can endanger people, including earthquakes. Most common in the United States, they occur daily in varying...

Where there is blood, it conquers: The truth about inflation in America

First, let's look at how household food prices (groceries) compare to the average worker's typical weekly income. Food prices were low relative to wages during the worst of the pandemic,...

Pedro Castillo insists on his request for a lifetime pension before Congress: he presented an appeal | Coup | Congress Alberto...

On April 11, 2024, the Parliament, by letter N°543-2024-DRH.DGA/CR, announced the inadmissibility of Castillo Terrones' initial request. Act No. which created a lifetime...

Tina Bolavarde under the microscope: they demand official documents about her 12-day absence due to plastic surgeries

Congresswoman Ruth Luke (One for Democratic Change-Peru) sent a formal request to the Secretary General of the President this Monday. Enrique VilcesTo get official...

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Scientists have found evidence of planetary collisions that could explain the formation of the Moon

The research, published in Nature Geoscience, seeks to better understand the cosmic events that shaped the solar system billions of years ago. ...

These are the strangest things left by astronauts in space

The bad news is that in 2025, when its journey into Jupiter's orbit ends, it's scheduled to must be injected into the atmosphere Of...

Technical Glossary: ​​What is Synthetic Radioactivity?

to incorporate Technology in everyday life It offers various benefits and makes many daily tasks easier. From personal and work organization through smart...

Huánuco: Producers participate in agricultural technology fair

..:: Advertisement ::.. Producers participate in the first edition of the Regional Agricultural Technology Fair in Huanuco. This activity is designed to promote the...

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