Technology to improve the chicken cold chain in the poultry industry has come to the country

Technology to improve the chicken cold chain in the poultry industry has come to the country

Frigo, one of the main brands of the Bios business group, the leader of Colombia’s agro-industrial sector, was the first company in the poultry industry to use a unique technology that improves the chicken cold chain. The temperature freezes the product prey in less than 1 hour, compared to the 18 hours this process usually takes.

(Read: Poultry industry urges US to speed up health inclusion of chicken wings).

These 1-in-1 frozen products are developed with a new extra-fast freezing technology that enables one person to use only the chicken pieces needed during cooking, saving time and effort and reducing the risk of contamination of the chicken product as its handling is reduced.

According to Camilo Jaramillo, mass consumption manager at Grupo Bios, with this new solution, “There is no need to thaw the entire product, taking more care of its properties and better protecting the cold chain”.

(See: Avian flu: Can the virus be contracted by consuming chicken or eggs?).

It is noteworthy that this supplement prevents rapid freezing The chicken forms large ice crystals, maintaining its freshness, texture and juicinessAnd it preserves its nutrients and makes it easy to cook quickly by transferring directly from the freezer to the pan.

In practice, this solution will make life easier for thousands of people in Colombia who currently have to wait hours before they can cook a breast, thigh or steak.


Although unknown, On Google and some social networks, up to 4,200 searches related to food elimination are made each year, of which about 1,300 are related to products such as chicken.

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(Also: Colombia already targets poultry exports).

To date, Friko creates more than 4,400 direct jobs in 14 sectors of the country and has more than 15,000 customers. In 2023 alone, it sold more than 100,000 tons of chicken, according to Colombia’s per capita consumption and the National Poultry Farmers Federation, which helped feed more than 3 million people.

“This progress shows that the food industry is rapidly adapting to new social needs and is becoming more sustainable and environmentally friendly every day. It also confirms its commitment to the good treatment of animals that provide us with the proteins we need daily.Jaramillo concludes.


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