The James Webb Telescope captures the alignment of stars in the Serpentine Nebula

The James Webb Telescope captures the alignment of stars in the Serpentine Nebula

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Again, the NASA’s James Webb Telescope has shared a never-before-seen imageIn this case, captured Alignment of some stars Located in The Serpent Nebula.

This is the first time that this type of photograph has been obtained by Spacecraft Near Infrared Camera (NIRCam)It was captured, in particular A series of coordinated protostellar explosionsAccordingly Europa Press.

Photo: Illustrative / Europa Press

The European Space Agency (ESA) explained when these events occur Jets of gas from newborn stars collide with the gas and near dust at high speeds.

Generally, there are such objects Different orientations in the same regionBut now, are inclined in the same direction and degreeOne related to the snow that falls during a storm.

The James Webb Telescope provides information on star birth

The discovery of the alignment of the stars provides Information about their basis of birthThat’s what the ESA pointed out.

Photo: Illustrative / Europa Press

as A cloud of interstellar gas collapses on its own to form a star, spinning rapidlyHowever, the only way Part of the vortex is removed as the gas continues to move inwards.

A disk forms around the young star to transport material downwardWhen, like a whirlpool around a drain Rotating magnetic fields in the inner disk propel some material into the twin jets shoot outwards in opposite directions perpendicular to the disk of the object.

Aligned Protostellar Explosions / Photo: Europa Press

Thus, in the image of the James Webb telescope, Jets are identified by thick bright red linesWhen are shock waves? The jet hits the surrounding gas and dust.

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Finally, the The Serpent Nebulacaptured James Webb TelescopeThere is only One or two million years, which is very young in cosmic terms.


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