The jobs report reveals more job opportunities in technology in Argentina and Latin America

The jobs report reveals more job opportunities in technology in Argentina and Latin America

Technology sector in Argentina a A moment of great growthwith a Constant demand for qualified professionals. Calculated in the year 2023. More than 10,000 new jobs In this sector, this demand will continue to grow in the coming years.

Programming bootcamps are changing the dynamics of technology hiring, providing a practical, intensive and effective way to learn the skills required by the market, thus supporting rapid integration into the business environment. In this way, these highly specialized programs not only allow students to focus on their area of ​​interest, but also become a reliable resource for recruiters looking for qualified talent for specific roles in their teams.

This is why Le Wagon, the No. 1 technical school, has conducted an employment report that showcases how the sector is performing. The report provides a detailed analysis of employment trends and the workforce outcomes of its graduates in Argentina and Latin America, highlighting the impact of bootcamps on employment and career development in technology.

In Argentina, the majority of students (79%) are male, with 21% female. This gender imbalance reflects an ongoing challenge in the tech industry, where recruiting women is a priority. Although efforts to increase the participation of women in technology programs have intensified within the sector, there is still a long way to go.

Now, as far as the age distribution of students is concerned, it is different, with the majority being in the 20-30 and 30-40 age group. This age diversity, both recent university graduates and professionals looking for a career change, see bootcamps as an opportunity to realign their professional paths towards the tech industry. It should be taken into account that intensive and practical training is offered in a short period of time as an option for people who want to acquire new skills quickly and efficiently. In addition, the project-based learning method and interaction with other students foster adaptability and problem-solving skills, skills that are highly valued in the labor market.

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Argentina: Panorama for more employment

One of the highlights of the report is the high employment rate of graduates in Argentina. 78% of students find employment within 3 to 6 months of completing the bootcamp, with an average of 61 days of employment. However, even though there are redundancies in all sectors, digitization is still going on and for this reason specialized and updated profiles will continue to be needed and this is the need of bootcamps.

Most in-demand profiles in Argentina tech sector:

  • Software Requirement: Front-end, Back-end, Full-stack
  • Data Scientists: Data Analysts, Data Engineers, Data Scientists
  • DevOps: DevOps Engineers, SRE Specialists
  • Computer Security Specialists: Cyber ​​Analysts.
  • UX/UI Designers: Product Designers, Interface Designers

The most popular roles among Argentine graduates include fullstack developer (41%), back-end developer (12%) and front-end developer (11%). These positions reflect the growing demand for software development skills in the technology industry. Additionally, 9% of graduates choose to launch and create their own startups, contributing to the country’s entrepreneurial and tech ecosystem.

In terms of compensation, Le Wagon graduates in Latin America earn an average salary of USD 1,300 per month in their first bootcamp job. This salary level is significant considering that many of the graduates enter the tech industry from other low-income fields.

Latin America: Trends and Perspectives in Latam

Ladam is a place of opportunity due to its young demographic profile, proximity to the US and language. However, these factors have not yet been used; The region is in its infancy. If this phase is broken, Latin America’s GDP could grow by between 2% and 17%, according to the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB).

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At the regional level, the report highlights the participation of students from different countries, including Argentina, Chile, Mexico, Peru and Colombia. 11% of students are non-Latin American, underscoring the international appeal of bootcamps.

Graduates find employment in Latin America in a variety of ways. 62% secure full-time employment, 5% work as freelancers and 9% build their own startups. These data indicate the flexibility and adaptability of programs that prepare students for different career paths.

Le Wagon has secured partnerships with key institutions such as the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), which plays a key role in funding and supporting students. These collaborations have allowed Le Végan to offer alternative scholarships that make their bootcamps accessible to people throughout Latin America, including Colombia, Peru, Costa Rica, Belize and Haiti.


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