They detect a strange radio signal from space and cannot explain it

They detect a strange radio signal from space and cannot explain it

The Radio astronomy Science is responsible for discovering and analyzing the universe Radio waves Different celestial objects emit. Thanks for that, can find it Pulsars (Neutron stars that emit regular pulses of radio waves), Quasars (supermassive black holes and active galactic nuclei that reveal information about galactic evolution) or Cosmic microwave backgroundThat is the radiation left over from the Big Bang.

However, there are some waves that cannot be fully understood by science due to their erratic and erratic behavior. Such is the case ASKAP J1935+2148A sign he recently noticed in the press Natural Astronomy Unlike the others, it goes through three different stages in the 53.8 minutes it takes to repeat itself.

Discovered by the ASKAP radio telescope in Australia, the authors explain three ways in which the signal ’emerges’.

In the first position, the signal will flash brightly for 10 to 50 seconds Linear polarizationThis means that all radio waves “point” in the same direction.

At other times, pulses are weak and A Circular Polarization370 milliseconds duration.

Finally, there are times when the object loses its signal and remains Quietly.


This strange diversity has puzzled scientists, although there are some theories about its nature. Therefore, it is believed that its origin may be in A Neutron star or white dwarfBut the characteristics displayed by the signal do not match what is known about these celestial bodies.

Neutron stars, for example, emit irregular waves regularly and at a rate of seconds, over the 54 minutes it takes for the ASKAP J1935+2148 signal to emerge.

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For their part, white dwarfs can spin at that slow speed, but according to the researchers there is no way they could produce signals like the ones recorded.

Although it is not a difficult first symptom to explain by its characteristics, it is necessary to do so in order to understand what the subject is and to revise the knowledge about them.


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