They organize a festival to protect science and technology – Diario El Ciudadano y la Región

They organize a festival to protect science and technology – Diario El Ciudadano y la Región

Photo: Juan Jose Garcia.

The workers of ATE-Conicet, Inti and Coad organized a festival to ask for the continuation of jobs for the employed workers, salary increase and the budget for science and technology. In addition, they included a demand for detained people within the framework of the debate on the Constitution in Congress. The event “Collective Intelligence” will be held this Saturday 29th from 2pm to 6pm at the Esplanade of the Municipal Planetarium in Urquiza Park. It will feature open radio, a science fair and bands such as Sol François and Camila Perez; Parana’s Unknowns; Murga Ojo al Piojo and Murga la Cotolengo.

We invite you to participate in “Collective Intelligence: Festival of Protecting Public Universities, Science and Technology” from ATE Conicet, ATE Inti, Coad and Elijo Crecer. It is necessary to speak jointly with university professors, Gonizet and IND staff, because many of us are researchers and teachers at the same time, sharing demands in the defense of science, technology and public education,” Victoria Bona told El Ciudadano. , Professor in the Faculty of Humanities and Arts and holds a PhD from Coniset.

The festival aims to “condemn the brutal adjustment of sectors by the national government”. “The Senate voted on a basic law that included layoffs of regular employees and the possibility of deeply demonetizing Konizet by overhauling the system and public science in general. The repression that followed set our agenda on some of the slogans of the festival, such as the demand against the arrest of those who went out to protest,” he added. said.

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As the researcher explained, on June 30 the contracts of about 40 people registered under Article 9 and responsible for administrative work expire. The organization employs 1,200 people nationwide under the system, 38 of whom are from Rosario, and some have been working for 10 years. In the last quarter, three contracts expired, of which only one was renewed. “Contracts expire every three months and layoffs occur, which adds up to zero teacher salary negotiations,” he explained.

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On Saturday there will be different spaces, one dedicated to Elijo Kresser to show the work of the researchers, the open radio of La Materia Impertinente and the orchestras that are employees of the university.

“This will be a moment to gather strength and re-enthusiasm among all of us, so that we can continue the fight in the streets and workplaces, without losing the joy of knowing that we stand on the right side of history,” they noted from the festival organization.


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