This is the only Peruvian school listed in the top 10 schools in the world that is not located in Lima.

This is the only Peruvian school listed in the top 10 schools in the world that is not located in Lima.

He College of High Performance (COAR) According to the World’s Best Schools Awards 2024, Arequipa is included in the ten best educational institutions in the world in the community cooperation category.

The announcement caused joy and national pride. Education Minister, Morgan Crowe, highlighted this achievement and congratulated the students, teachers and directors of COAR for their outstanding performance. “COAR Arequipa is one of the 10 best schools in the world recognized by an international independent journal. We Peruvians should be proud of the great work done at COARs, especially in Arequipa,” said Coro.

The Provincial Municipality of Arequipa As described by the Andina agency, the global award promoted by the T4 education organization in collaboration with Accenture, American Express and the Lemon Foundation of Brazil underlines the relevance of the world’s best school prizes in 2024.

The key to success COAR Arequipa is in this international competition with its project “Creating Smiles”. This initiative, designed to support children with multiple disabilities and other special conditions, takes place in the village of La Sagrada Familia (Alsafa). The program focuses on improving the emotional states of its beneficiaries Center for Special Basic Education (CEBE) Auvergne Peru-France.

The work created by COAR students in “Creando Sonrisas” incorporates music, dance and clowning activities through which they encourage deep connections and empathy.

According to the media, these activities break down social barriers and promote mutual respect, which has had a significant impact on both Alsafa and the children’s children. Students of own school. Through these interactions, students develop important social-emotional skills and learn about the importance of inclusion and diversity.

The project’s success has encouraged the school’s widespread use of inclusive practices, prompting other educational institutions to adopt similar approaches. Affected by this COAR Arequipa Expanding beyond its immediate geographic area, it becomes a model for schools in other regions to follow.

If COAR Arequipa wins the award, the money will be used to improve educational facilities and expand its operations, it said. (Photo: Minedu)

However, this is not the end. There is still a chance COAR Arequipa was voted the best school in the world. To achieve this, 3 finalists for each of the five awards will be announced in September this year and the winners will be announced in November.

“The best in each award will be selected based on strict criteria by an Academy of judges consisting of distinguished leaders from around the world, including academics, academics, social entrepreneurs, government, non-governmental organizations, civil society and the private sector.” The document says.

Note that if COAR If Arequipa wins the award, money will be allocated to improve its educational facilities and expand its operations, with the aim of deepening its transformative impact locally and regionally.

Yannet Melinda Benez Rojas was selected from over 1,600 students. (Photo: Andina)

Yanette Melinda Banes Roses, high school student College of High Performance (COAR) Lima Provincias has been selected for a Peruvian delegation to visit the NASA Space Center in Houston, USA. The selection was made through the She is Astronaut program of the She is Foundation, which stood out from more than 1,600 girls.

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For three months, the delegation will participate in a hybrid educational program that will include virtual classes on empowerment and social entrepreneurship, as well as webinars with astronauts from the space center, Andina said.

COARs are also located in Metropolitan Lima, Provinces of Lima, La Libertad, Ica, Ancash, Lambayeque, Arequipa, Mokugua, Dagna, Tumbes, Buera, Cajamarca, Huanuco, Pasco, Juni, Huancavelica, Ayacucho, Amazon, Aburt. Loreto, Ucayali, Cusco, Puno and Madre de Dios.


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