Today is a holiday in Peru, June 29: who rests on this day and what fate says about it | Answers


After the June 7 holiday for Flag Day, the new National holiday Peru’s 2024 is approaching on the calendar. Undoubtedly all citizens deserve a well-deserved break, a trip or a date to enjoy with family or friends. That way, we will tell you below when it falls, what anniversaries we celebrate and to whom the holiday applies on June 29, so that you can plan your vacation better..

Who are St. Peter and St. Paul and why are they commemorated and commemorated with the June 29 holiday in Peru?

Workers in the public and private sectors in Peru can enjoy this holiday of the month June Thanksgiving is one of the most important liturgical festivals in Christianity.

Built on the calendar of saints, the Catholic Church celebrates the feast annually. Saints Peter Y PabloPersons revered as the founders of the Church of Rome, and in the words of Pope Benedict XVI, always together represent the full Gospel of Christ.

According to the information shared by the portal of The first of them is PedroHis real name was Simon, born in Bethsaida, but lived in Capernaum and worked as a fisherman on the Sea of ​​Tiberias.

After approaching Jesus Christ, The patron apostle of the city of Rome Along with her brother Andrew, the daughter of Jairus witnessed the resurrection, transfiguration, and agony in the Garden of Olives up close.

With respect PabloAlso known as “Apostle to the Gentiles”, from his father, a line weaver, he learned the art of manufacturing, and along the way of his apostolic life he founded several Christian communities and wrote some of the first canonical writings, according to the Vatican.

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Likewise, another major concept that elevates his image is connected to the early church, and since he was initially a blasphemer, persecutor, and staunch enemy of Christ, he is widely recognized for his conversion.

The resulting change St. Paul Having met and walked together during the journey to Damascus, it was a pure miracle of God’s grace because, as Pope Benedict XVI said, “It was not simply a conversion, but a death and resurrection for Paul.”.

Very much Pedro as Pablo They died tragically on Nero’s orders, and as Christian tradition says, their martyrdom occurred on the same day. June 29 In 67 AD, after the first of them was crucified upside down as a prisoner in the Roman Empire’s circus on Vatican Hill, the second was sentenced to death by beheading on the Via Ostiense.

It should be noted that the cathedrals of St. Peter and St. Paul outside the walls are now erected and built over their tombs.

After the celebration 29/06 In Peru, both labor sectors, albeit with different specifications, can in most cases take advantage of the continuity of days with another non-working day that can be compensated in 2023.

How much will I get paid if I work on the June 29 holiday?

The National Labor Observatory (SUNAFIL) reminds all workers to take paid leave on June 29, the feast day of St. Peter and St. Paul.

That’s why those working on that date are not going to get a day off in lieu of vacation because of some special requirements of the company or because of their rotating shifts. They should be paid three times for that day of work.

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– A salary corresponds to a holiday, which is already included in the monthly salary.

– Daily wages related to work performed.

– An additional amount, which is equal to 100% of the daily wage, is equivalent to the work performed.

How many non-working days are there in 2024?

According to him Published in the Official Gazette El Peruano’s Legal Standards Bulletin, the non-working days for this year are as follows:

– Friday, July 26, 2024.

– Monday, October 7, 2024.

– Friday, December 6, 2024.

– Monday, December 23, 2024.

– Tuesday, December 24, 2024.

– Monday, December 30, 2024.

– Tuesday, December 31, 2024.

When is the next holiday in June 2024?


Saturday 29 June: St. Peter and St. Paul.

Official list of public holidays in Peru for 2024

1- New Year

2/3- Thursday and Good Friday

4- Labor Day

5- Arica Battle and Flag Day

6- Saint Peter and Saint Paul

7- Peruvian Air Force Day

8/9- National holidays

10- Battle of June

11- Holy Rose of Lima

12- Battle of Angamos

13- All Saints Day

14- Immaculate Conception Day

15- Battle of Ayacucho

16- Christmas


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