Today, Monday, July 1 in Chile: Last earthquake recorded via CSN with time scale and epicenter | National Seismological Center | composition


Chile It is considered one of the most seismic countries in South America and the world because it is located on a fault line; That is, it is located in a gap in the Earth’s crust, in which two tectonic plates collide. When the plates collide with each other, it causes movement in the crust, which creates an earthquake.

Most of these movements are not felt by citizens, although it is important to report the major tremors recorded. of University of Chile. For this reason, I will show you the most relevant data about these earthquakes. Likewise, Chilean government actions, areas of high seismic activity, and other information provided to us by the national organization.

Tremors in Chile today, July 1 Live – via CSN

CSN is part of the National Commission for Scientific and Technological Research (CONICYT). The agency has a nationwide network of seismographs that allow it to detect and record seismic movements. Know the official statement about Recent tremors in Chile Recorded Today, Monday, July 1, 2024, Very shaking in cities like Sierra Gorda, Calama, Pica.

How to act during an earthquake in Chile?

  • Go to security zones that have already been established.
  • Stay away from glass or falling objects
  • If possible, avoid panic and try to remain calm.
  • Do not run in the area of ​​vehicles.
  • If you are driving, stop your vehicle.
  • If you are in a building, do not use the elevator, always use the stairs.
  • Be careful around minors, the disabled and the elderly.
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