Topics of the EFE Economic Day for Thursday, June 20, 2024

Topics of the EFE Economic Day for Thursday, June 20, 2024


MADRID – The Ministry of Housing and Urban Agenda publishes an estimate of the housing stock in 2023, as well as the ‘stock’ of new unsold homes in an environment marked by a lack of production to meet growing demand.



Home mortgages

MADRID – INE is updating its monitoring of the mortgage market with April data, which shrank 9% year-on-year in the first quarter of the year and accumulated declines in 13 of the past 14 months, excluding last February.

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Unemployment Reform

Madrid – The plenary session of Congress debates and votes on the validation of the decree reforming the unemployment benefit, improving its amount and aligning it with employment.

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Economic conferences

Santander – Cristina Herrero of the Independent Commission for Financial Responsibility (AIREF) and Alejandra Kindelán of the Spanish Banking Association (AEB) participate in a summer course held at the UIMP, in which they are also secretaries general. UGT, Pepe Alvarez and CCOO, Yunai Sordo.




LUXEMBOURG – Economy and Finance Ministers of the Eurozone (Eurogroup) discuss the IMF report on the state of the European economy and the competitiveness of the Eurozone, this time from the perspective of industrial policy.

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French elections

PARIS – The main French parties have presented their economic plans to France’s main business establishment, accusing each other of making unrealistic or irresponsible economic promises.

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Information agenda

9:00 am- Madrid.- Unemployment reform.- Plenary session of Congress debates and votes on the verification of the decree reforming the level of unemployment protection assistance. (text)

9:00 am- Madrid.- Youth Transport.- The Plenary of Congress discusses the verification of the Royal Decree-Law 3/2024 of June 4, measures to promote the use of public land transport by young people this summer. Congress of Representatives. San Geronimo race. Madrid.

9:00 am- Madrid.- REPSOL companies.- Breakfast with Repsol CEO José Jan Imas on the topic “Leading in change”. Hotel Melia Castilla (Text)

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9:00 am- Madrid.- Home mortgages.- The National Institute of Statistics (INE) publishes data on mortgages signed in April (Text).

9:00 am- Barcelona.- Entrepreneurial Meeting.- Newspaper Extension has organized a meeting of the Entrepreneurial Ecosystem of Barcelona with Mango, Abertis, Caixabank and Lansadera. Plaça Urquinana 6, Floor 19. Barcelona

9:15 am- Barcelona.- Food companies.- Key executives from Eroski, Unilever Spain, Frit Ravich and Lidl participate in the 27th Food and Beverage Summit organized by IESE. IESE Barcelona (North Campus) C/Arnús i Garí, 3-7

9:30 am- Madrid.- Technology Congress.- The seventh edition of the Digital Summit organized by the Spanish Digital Association for Digitization Digitals concludes.

9:30 am- Santander.- Economy Conferences.- Fourth day of the summer course organized by APIE at UIMP, in which Cristina Herrero, president of AIREF, intervenes; President of AEB, Alejandra Kindelán and CCOO, Unai Sordo and General Secretaries of UGT, Pepe Alvarez. (text)

10:00 am- Madrid.- Spain Debt.- The Bank of Spain publishes the monthly progress of the public debt corresponding to April 2024.

10:00h.- Madrid.- Microsoft strategy.- Microsoft presents Copilot + PC, its new Windows devices incorporating artificial intelligence. V22. c/ Vallehermoso, 22.

10:30 am- Madrid.- MARKETS OUTLOOK.- Oliver Debaut, fixed income specialist at UBP, a Swiss private bank, analyzes the prospects for this market in the second quarter of the year. C/ Marqués de Riscal,11. On the 1st floor. Evercom Offices.

10:45h.- Madrid.- Spanish debt.- Treasury auctions bonds and obligations.

11:00 am- Madrid.- Salary Structure.- The National Institute of Statistics (INE) publishes the Salary Structure Survey for 2022. (text)

11:00 am- Madrid.- Renewable energy.- Carbonization site for heating and hot water will hold an online press conference to present the first roadmap for renewable heating in Spain. Ecodes Deputy Director of Public Policy Jeannette Bain will participate; Francisco Zuloaga, site spokesperson and renewable heating specialist at Ecodes; Alphonse Ventura is an architect at the Spanish Development and Inclusion Green Building Council.

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11:00 am- Madrid.- AGRI-FOOD INDUSTRY.- The National Association of Meat Industries of Spain (ANICE) will host a conference in which a discussion will be held with representatives of the Ministry of Industry, rescue fund management companies and consumer associations. Berte talks about the challenges of “Agro 2”.

11:00h.- Barcelona.- Travel agencies.- Association of travel agencies Agave presents the forecasts for the summer in a press conference with its president Jordi Marti and the manager of the company, Catiana Durr. Online tracking or Av Riera de Cassoles, 54 5o1a

12:00h.- Madrid.- ACCIONA JUNTA.- Acciona Energia will hold an ordinary general meeting of shareholders, in which it will vote on the annual accounts and the reduction of the share capital and its own shares, as well as the remuneration of the directors. 2023 at 1:30 p.m. its president Jose Manuel Entrecanals will give a press conference. Avenida de la Gran Vía de Hortaleza, 3, 28033 (Madrid)

12:00h.- Madrid.- Market Views.- Bankinter’s Analysis and Markets department presents its strategy and perspectives to Bankinter headquarters. Pº de la Castellana, 29.

12:00h.- Madrid.- NZI Helmets BOLSA.- NZI Helmets, a company specializing in road safety and protection for motorcyclists, joins the BME development.

1:45 pm.- Madrid.- Oracle Results.- Albert Triola, General Director of Oracle Spain, reviews the company’s results globally and in Spain and sets the company’s priorities for the next twelve months. Arzabel’s garden. Sabatini Building, Reina Sofia Museum. 52 Santa Isabel Street.

MADRID.- PARITY LAW.- (End of plenary session) The Equality Commission issues an opinion in view of the report on the presentation of the draft organic law on equal representation. Congress (Text)

Madrid.- FUEL PRICES.- The European Union publishes its weekly report on fuel prices. (Text) (Infographic)

Madrid.- Land prices.- The Ministry of Housing publishes land price figures for the first quarter of 2024. (text)

Madrid.- Department of Real Estate.- The Ministry of Housing publishes data on the housing stock and the ‘share’ of new homes for 2023.

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Almussafes (Valencia).- FORD ERE.- The third meeting of the Ford Almussafes ERE negotiating team for 1,622 workers, the management of Ford Spain reiterated its commitment to the transition solution for a thousand workers and the unions have demanded the same conditions. With earlier ERE and ERTE guarantees, in the case of UGT, reduction of surplus personnel and early retirement by STM.



8:45 am- Paris.- FRANCE ELECTIONS.- Employers’ organizations bring together those responsible for the parties participating in the elections to publicly communicate their respective economic plans.

10:30 am- Berlin.- GERMANY CONJUNCTION.- Ifo releases summer outlook for German economy. (text)

12:00h.- Frankfurt.- BUNDESBANK ECONOMY.- The Bundesbank, Germany’s central bank, publishes its monthly report for June.

13:00h.- London.- R.UNITED RATES.- The Bank of England’s Monetary Policy Committee publishes its decision on interest rates.

Luxembourg.- EU EUROGROUP.- Meeting of the Ministers of Economy and Finance of the Eurozone (Eurogroup).

Luxembourg.- European Union Employment.- Meeting of the Employment Ministers of the European Union.


00:00h.- Rio de Janeiro.- BRAZIL RATES.- The Brazilian central bank announces whether it will maintain or change Brazil’s base interest rate. (Text)

9:00 pm- WASHINGTON.- US TRADE.- US Under Secretary of Commerce for Global Markets Arun Venkataraman presents the SelectUSA Investment Summit in Maryland between June 23 and 26 at a press conference. National Press Building


SHANGHAI.- China Rates.- The People’s Bank of China (PBPC, Central Bank) updates its reference interest rates, known as the LPR. (Text) (Photo)



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