Tremors in the US today, June 20: Magnitude, exact time and epicenter of the last earthquake Live via USGS | composition


America It is located on the Pacific Ring of Fire and is therefore an area of ​​high seismic activity. Therefore, the The U.S. federal government’s science agency closely monitors earthquakes in real time in major cities like California, Alaska, Hawaii, Texas, among other areas where seismic activity occurs regularly on a daily basis.

In that context, we are sharing a real-time report with confirmed data on the epicenter, magnitude, exact time and interactive map of the last earthquake in the United States on Wednesday, June 19, 2024. and warning system And so millions of its people practice prevention against potentially catastrophic telluric movements.

Tremors in the United States today, June 20, according to USGS Live

The Complete Guide to Putting Together an Earthquake Survival Kit in America

Have you ever wondered what to do in the event of a natural disaster or unexpected emergency? The key to being calm and efficient is to be prepared. A well-equipped emergency supply kit can be the difference between a momentary scare and a critical situation. Below, we’ll guide you step-by-step through building your own survival kit, making sure you have everything you need to tackle any challenge:

1. Food and Water:

  • Non-perishable food: Safety cans, granola bars, nuts, etc.
  • Bottled Water: Enough for at least 3 days per person.
  • Manual Can Opener.

2. First aid kit:

  • Bandages: Different sizes and types.
  • Antibiotic ointment.
  • Pain relievers: Paracetamol, Ibuprofen etc.
  • Disinfectant.
  • Wet wipes.
  • Sterile cloth.
  • Scissors.
  • tweezers
  • Disposable gloves.
  • Commonly used drugs.

3. Lighting and Communication:

  • Flashlight: With extra batteries.
  • Battery Operated Radio: Get important information.
  • Rechargeable batteries and solar charger.
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4. Security and Tools:

  • fire extinguisher
  • Whistle: Ask for help.
  • Multiple Tools: For basic tasks such as cutting, opening cans or making small repairs.
  • Multi-purpose knife.
  • Protective mask.
  • Safety glasses.

5. Documents and Payment:

  • Copies of important documents: Birth certificate, passport, insurance policies, medical records etc.
  • Money: If credit cards or ATMs don’t work.

6. Pet Products:

  • Pet food and water.
  • Conveyor or belt.
  • Garbage bags.
  • Veterinary drugs for routine use.

7. Other useful ingredients:

  • Appropriate clothing for different climates.
  • sleeping bag
  • Heat insulator.
  • Personal hygiene kit.
  • External battery for charging electronic devices.
  • Maps and compass.
  • Cell phone with charger.
  • Games or activities for children.

Remember to customize your survival kit, that is, adapt the contents to your and your family’s specific needs, review and update it regularly (making sure food hasn’t expired and batteries are charged), and keep it in one place at all times. Accessible space (so you can access it quickly in case of emergency) and report Tell your family about its location to protect your family against any situation (so everyone knows where to find it in your absence).

USGS seismic hazard maps illustrated


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