Tremors Live Today in America: June 29 to 30 | Exact Time, Magnitude, Last Earthquake, USGS | California | Texas | New York | Hawaii | composition


America A variety of natural phenomena are experienced that, in some cases, represent a certain level of risk to the population, such as earthquakes, which are very common in the United States. Hurricanes, tornadoes, hurricanes, volcanic eruptions and storms. For this reason, the government scientific institute in charge of studying these natural phenomena (US Geological Survey) gives us an official account of each of the telluric movements with data such as exact time, location of epicenter, and size of states. California, Hawaii, Texas, Alaska and New York, among others. In this context, today, Saturday, June 29, I share with you the latest earthquakes recorded by the above company in the following lines.

Tremors in the US today, Saturday June 29, via USGS

Follow along USGS official report on A recent earthquake has been confirmed in the United States Inside This day from the states of California, Hawaii, Texas, Alaska and New York. Data confirmed with an interactive graph and warning system .

Why do earthquakes occur in California?

California has two tectonic plates: the Pacific Plate and the North American Plate. The Pacific Plate consists of most of the Pacific Ocean floor and the coast of California, while the North American Plate covers most of the North American continent and parts of the Atlantic Ocean floor.

The main boundary between these two plates is the San Andreas Fault, which is more than 650 miles long and less than 10 miles deep. Several smaller faults such as the Hayward (Northern California) and San Jacinto (Southern California) branch off and join the San Andreas fault.

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Instead, the Pacific Plate is moving northwestward past the North American Plate at a rate of about two inches per year. Parts of the San Andreas Fault System accommodate this movement by constant “slip,” resulting in many small shakes and some moderate ground tremors.

Seismic Zones of the United States, as reported by the USGS

States where tremors can be recorded Texas, California, Alaska, Utah, Virgin Islands, Hawaii, and moreBecause they lie along one of the country’s major geological faults, the San Andreas Fault.

The USGS released its new report on seismic zones in the U.S., where strong earthquakes are most likely. (Photo: USGS)

How should I act before, during, and after an earthquake in the United States?

Let me share with you a useful list of good actions you should take to face a strong earthquake in the US or any other country in the world. Practice the following safety tips that I will show you below:

Before the earthquake in America

  • Check your home infrastructure regularly.
  • Install safety locks, cabinets and shelves.
  • Store highly fragile items in safe places.
  • Always carry a first aid kit.
  • Find an optimal meeting place that is safe enough for your family.
  • Educate your family members to turn off electricity, gas and water taps.
  • Make a list of emergency numbers to contact doctors, police, civil defense etc.

During an earthquake or earthquake in the United States

  • Stay away from windows, mirrors and sharp objects that may fall on the floor.
  • Find shelter under a sturdy table or place it under a door frame.
  • Cover your head and neck with your hands.
  • Avoid using elevators and take stairs during an earthquake.
  • Do not run out of the building during an earthquake.
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After the earthquake in America

  • Seek medical help to treat those with severe injuries.
  • Provide first aid and emotional support to the injured.
  • Do not use your mobile phone irresponsibly, this way you can avoid overloading the taxes.
  • Check your home for structural damage.
  • Seal pipes to prevent leakage of electricity, water or gas.
  • Do not light candles, matches or other flammable materials.

USGS seismic hazard maps illustrated

Bibliography of earthquakes in the United States


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