Vladimir Putin Visits North Korea War in Ukraine | Joe Biden | Weapons | the world


Official Central News Agency North Korea said Putin He will be on a state visit on June 18 and 19 At the invitation of Chairman Kim. North Korean state media did not release details of the meeting. Russia confirmed the “friendly” visit In an advertisement published simultaneously.

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“A lot of time will be devoted to informal contacts between the two leaders, because during these talks, other members of the delegation may also join, The most important, most important issues will be resolved”said Yuri Ushakov, an international adviser to the Kremlin, Interfax reported.

Putin and Kim visit the Vostochny Cosmodrome in the Amur Region on September 13, 2023.  (Photo by Michael Metzel/AFP).

Putin and Kim visit the Vostochny Cosmodrome in the Amur Region on September 13, 2023. (Photo by Michael Metzel/AFP).

/ Michael Metzel

Ushakov insisted between Putin Y Kim There will be a “face-to-face” meeting, but the Russian delegation will have meetings in various formats, including Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and Defense Minister Andrei Belousov. Government and non-governmental organizations such as the Roscosmos space agency.

In a recent news, Kim has said he has an “unbreakable friendship” with Putin.

“Our people give full support and solidarity to the successful work of the Russian military and people,” Kim said.According to the official Rodong Sinmun newspaper.

For its part, the Kremlin said: Russia hopes to build partnerships with North Korea “in all possible areas”.According to Russian state media.

In September 2023, Kim made a historic visit to Russia, where he was received by Putin. At the time, the North Korean leader said relations with Moscow were North Korea’s “number one priority.”

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un arrives at Khasan railway station in the Primorye region at the start of his official visit to Russia on September 12, 2023.  (Photo Manual / Ministry of Environment of Russia / AFP)

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un arrives at Khasan railway station in the Primorye region at the start of his official visit to Russia on September 12, 2023. (Photo Manual / Ministry of Environment of Russia / AFP)


Kim arrived in Russia in his armored train. Among his activities, he visited a factory manufacturing fighter planes Rocket launch facility.

Following Kim’s visit, The United States, South Korea and other Western countries have accused the Kim regime of providing substantial military aid to Russia., observers worried that Moscow might violate international sanctions on Pyongyang to end its weapons program. Both countries have confirmed that the allegations are not true.

An arrest warrant has been issued for Putin

The International Criminal Court issued an indictment for war crimes in Ukraine. For this reason, the Russian leader has reduced his foreign trips, but has made some trips to visit key allies such as China.

Lifeline of Russia

Kim Jong-il and Vladimir Putin shake hands in Pyongyang on July 19, 2000.  (Creative Commons).

Kim Jong-il and Vladimir Putin shake hands in Pyongyang on July 19, 2000. (Creative Commons).

/ Itar-toss

Putin visited North Korea for the first time in July 2000.After his first election, when he met Kim Jong-il, who ruled the country at the time.

In recent years, Kim Jong-un has become closer to Putin. The North Korean leader pulled out of talks with the US after a failed summit in 2019. Hanoi With the then President of the United States Donald Trump and began strengthening ties with Russia.

After the invasion Ukraine In February 2022, Western countries imposed severe economic sanctions on Russia. This, as the war continued, Moscow began to need more and more ammunition, something you can get in North Korea. In turn, Pyongyang wants to leave international isolation that seriously affects its economy.

Putin and Kim at the Vostochny Cosmodrome on September 13, 2023.  (Photo by Vladimir Smirnov / AFP).

Putin and Kim at the Vostochny Cosmodrome on September 13, 2023. (Photo by Vladimir Smirnov / AFP).

/ Vladimir Smirnov

Accordingly , When Kim and Putin meet again, ammunition will be high on the agenda.

The magazine’s advisory dates back to September last year, according to US and South Korean officials North Korea Shipped to Russia by sea and rail About 11,000 containers full of weapons.

The exports include artillery shells (about 5 million rounds, according to South Korea) and Hwasong-11 ballistic missiles, which have been linked to dozens of deaths. Ukraine.

South Korea He speculated that Russia would have sent a response North Korea At least 9,000 containers. Although the content is unknown, according to Seoul, Kim wants designs for nuclear weapons, vehicles for intercontinental ballistic missiles and technologies related to satellites, submarines and hypersonic weapons. And Russia could supply Pyongyang with modern aircraft, ships and air defense spare parts, notes The Economist.

He also seems to have sent food and fuel.

South Korean officials are sure of it Russia has yet to transfer critical military technology to North Korea Relating to ballistic missiles or nuclear weapons.

At this point, The Economist points out Russia He has enough leverage to get what he needs without being forced to give up his highly advanced and sensitive technology Kim.

“North Korea is unhappy with the scope and depth of military cooperation with Russia,” said a former South Korean official who attended a recent dialogue with Russian and North Korean participants, according to The Economist, noting that Russia’s arms production would increase. , its demand for North Korean missiles may decrease.

For his part, Andrey Langov, expert North Korea from Kookmin University in Seoul, told the AP agency Russia It may be reluctant to share its advanced military technologies North Korea, is keen to receive ammunition from Pyongyang. “There is not enough ammunition in a war, and there is a great need for it.”

It should be noted which arms trade North Korea Violation of several UN Security Council resolutions RussiaPermanent Member UNApproved in the past.


What did Russia and North Korea win?

By Andrés Gómez de la Torre,

Security issues expert

Basically, what Putin needs is artillery ammunition and, ultimately, some weapon systems produced under Soviet inspiration and rocket technology, admittedly not very reliable. Also, it should be remembered that there was an old military relationship between the Soviet Union and the North Korean regime dating back to the Cold War, with a totalitarian communist political system at the time, and it continues in Pyongyang.

In return, Russia is providing North Korea with technology to improve the accuracy of its long-range strategic weapons, as Pyongyang’s medium- and long-range ballistic systems are known to lack proven reliability. Eventually, the Russian Federation could provide even more advanced technology.

Is this alliance a threat to the world? It should be noted that this is not new, there was already an integration. Of course, the possibility of superpowers like Iran and North Korea possessing nuclear technology is already a threat. It must be emphasized that this is a very complex game of balance of power where each party is careful to send things that are suspicious and could work against it in the future. The combination of Russia and North Korea is part of this whole dangerous combination, which is integrated into the power relations of the world, especially in the military sphere.

History of relations between Russia and North Korea

Putin and Kim exchanged gifts on April 25, 2019, after talks at the Far Eastern Federal University campus in Vladivostok.  (Photo by Alexey Nikolsky/Sputnik/AFP).

Putin and Kim exchanged gifts after talks on April 25, 2019 at the Far Eastern Federal University campus in Vladivostok. (Photo by Alexey Nikolsky/Sputnik/AFP).

/ Alexey Nikolsky

The Associated Press reported Monday that there are signs of that Kim was preparing to give Putin a lavish reception. The NK News website noted that it analyzes commercial satellite images North Korea Maybe he’s preparing a big parade in a square in Pyongyang.

As for the historical relations between the two countries, in August 1945, at the end World War IIThe Soviet Union liberated the northern part of the Korean Peninsula, occupied by Japan since 1910.

from Korean War Between 1950 and 1953, the Korean Peninsula was divided into the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (North Korea) and the Republic of Korea (South Korea), ending with an armistice, and Pyongyang maintains a conflicted relationship with the United States. CNN, which supported Seoul, noted.

The Soviet Union supported North Korea in the Korean War, although did not participate directly. Good relations were maintained during the Cold War, but never reached the level of close ties that Pyongyang enjoys with Beijing.

At the military level, North Korea operates with equipment of Soviet origin or design.

In 2006, North Korea successfully conducted its first nuclear test., culminating in the development of its secret nuclear weapons program. This fact has created anxiety in the West and suspicions in its allies China and Russia.

That year, the United States introduced draft Resolution 1695 in the United Nations Security Council, which condemned North Korea’s missile tests and banned the sale of materials that contribute to its development. 15 members including China and Russia voted in favor.

In 2009, Russia also supported sanctions in response to North Korea’s nuclear tests.

However, the relationships between Russia Y North Korea They became close again after Putin returned to power in 2012. A year ago, Kim Jong-un assumed the leadership of North Korea after the death of his father, Kim Jong-il.

In 2015, Russia Y North Korea They announced the start of a “year of friendship” between the two countries, and in 2019, Kim met Putin for the first time in Vladivostok, near the border.

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