2 South American countries with world’s best cities in 2024: Where does Peru rank? | World Tourism Organization | Best Tourist Villages | Best cities to live in | Best Cities in the World | Chile | Peru | Brazil | World Ranking | the world

2 South American countries with world’s best cities in 2024: Where does Peru rank?  |  World Tourism Organization |  Best Tourist Villages |  Best cities to live in |  Best Cities in the World |  Chile |  Peru |  Brazil |  World Ranking |  the world

This list includes 3 to 5 featured cities in South American countries. Photo: Composite by Jazmin Ceras/La República/Educar Chile

The World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) released its latest list Best tourist villagesattention Best cities in the world That you can visit in 2024. First place went to Sela Jordan, known as ‘Little Petra’. They are followed by two from South America who are the best of all Latin America Further. Find out more about these places and the complete list in the following note.

One of the evaluation criteria for the award is “preservation of rural areas and landscapes, cultural diversity, local values ​​and culinary traditions”. OMT. So, which is the best in South America?

Selah in Jordan is known as ‘Little Petra’. Photo: Ambito

Which 2 South American countries will have the best cities in the world in 2024?

At the moment, these two countries stand out not because of conflicts or history, but because of tourist recognition. These are Chile and Peru, appreciated between 3 and 5 cities in this list. Other countries with lower figures include Ecuador, Colombia and Argentina.

1. Chile

Second on the list valleys And it is the best city in Latin America. They follow him Galeta Tortoise Y Pisco Elgi in 4 and 32 positions respectively.

Barrancas is the best city in Latin America. Photo: Copper Canyon Tour

2. Peru

Peru is the South American country with the most cities in this top list. Chagas, of death, Bougardambo, Posusa Y Daguille They are the best in the world and occupy the 6th, 7th, 30th, 33rd and 47th positions respectively.

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Chagas is one of the 6 best cities in the world. Photo: Sagas Peru

Best cities in the world in 2024: Where is Peru?

This is the complete list of best tourist villages in 2024 Peru ranks first With five cities:

  • Sela, Jordan
  • Barrancas, Chile
  • Bye, Japan
  • Caleda Tortel, Chile
  • Cantavia, Spain
  • Sagas, Peru
  • Chavín de Huántar, Peru
  • Tashore, Egypt
  • Flag of India
  • Dongbaek, Republic of Korea
  • Douma, Lebanon
  • Flag of Portugal
  • Flandia, Colombia
  • Hakuba, Japan
  • Fig trees, Mexico
  • Huangling, China
  • Jalpa de Canoas, Mexico
  • Kandovan, Iran
  • Carolina, Argentina
  • Lefis Village, Ethiopia
  • Italian flag
  • Montecas, Portugal
  • Morcote, Switzerland
  • Moson, Republic of Korea
  • Oku-Matsushima, Japan
  • Omitlán de Juárez, Mexico
  • Oñate, Spain
  • Ordino, Andorra
  • Oaxaca, Ecuador
  • Paucartambo, Peru
  • Pengliburan, Indonesia
  • Pisco Elqui, Chile
  • Bosuzo, Peru
  • Saint-Ursanne, Switzerland
  • Sati, Kazakhstan
  • Austrian flag
  • Sewa, Republic of Korea
  • Sentob, Uzbekistan
  • Shirakawa, Japan
  • Sigenza, Spain
  • Sirens, Turkey
  • Siwa, Egypt
  • Slunj, Croatia
  • Sortelha, Portugal
  • Anton am Arlberg, Austria
  • Dan Hoa, Vietnam
  • Taquile, Peru
  • Tokaj, Hungary
  • Valeni, Moldavia
  • Vila da Maddalena, Portugal
  • Zhejiang, China
  • Zapatoca, Colombia
  • Jaganna, China
  • Zhujiawan, China.

Did you know that Pozuzo was an Austro-German colony in Peru?

Bozo is one of the best cities in South America and the world. This place is located at a distance of 360 kilometers from Cerro de Pasco and 84 kilometers Oxabamba. It was founded in 1859 and was the first such colony four years after the Peruvian government granted land to immigrants from Austria. A The city was built by Austrian and German immigrants: It explains the architectural type and highlights it to all its visitors.

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The town of Pozuzo is located in the Pasco region. Photo: Compound LR/Andina/Facebook/Oxapampa Peru

Go to Pozuzo from Lima, you can take an 8-hour bus ride to Oxapamba. You will need to take a bus to the Pompon Verde terminal that will take you to Pozuzo (approximately 2 hours away). Another option is to take a Flight from Lima to JoujaThe nearest airport is from where you can take a bus to Oxapamba to reach Bosuzo.

An additional fact: Bosuzzo Villa is located 4 hours away from Riga and is known as a beautiful coffee town The best coffee land in the world.


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