25-hour days?: Scientists warn of a new phenomenon

25-hour days?: Scientists warn of a new phenomenon

By measuring the rotation time of the Earth, they discovered the change our planet is undergoing from Germany.

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Our house, the planet, It remains a great mystery and hundreds of scientists study it every day. One of the biggest concerns today is related to its future. What will happen in a few years?

Scientists at the Technical University of Munich, thanks to a high-precision laser designed to measure the speed of the Earth's rotation, have a new information: 25-hour days are approaching.

Earth.  Photo: UnsplashEarth. Photo: Unsplash

Thanks to this instrument, located at the Wetzel Geodetic Laboratory, scientists were able to improve accuracy and detect that the cycle is changing. 6 milliseconds every two weeks About.

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Plants inside.  Photo: Unsplash

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When will this event occur?

Since its creation, it has 4.5 billion years, Earth days were increasing in length. This happens because the Earth rotates on its own axis at a higher speed condition At certain periods.

In fact, during the Precambrian period, 1.5 billion years ago, days got longer 19 hours. For its part, the day reached the age of the dinosaurs 23 hours.

Experts estimate that this event will begin inside 200 million years.

Earth.  Photo: UnsplashEarth. Photo: Unsplash

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The study, which was carried out using simulated 3D planetary models, also involved experts from the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS). the planet can To stop living Another is that it is impossible, smaller than one might think, by a few degrees.

Just an evaporation 10 cm above sea level Lead to an increase of 1 bar in atmospheric pressure, and surface temperature in a few hundred years 500 degrees”Professor Guillaume Chaverot of the University's Department of Astronomy, leader of the study, explained.

Earth.  Photo: UnsplashEarth. Photo: Unsplash

The evolution continues until atmospheric pressure and temperature of up to 273 bars are reached. 1,500 degreesIn this the water in the oceans will completely evaporate.


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