300-year-old treasure found in Florida ocean | Stories


A group of treasure hunters Florida, USA, has made a surprising discovery: hundreds of coins from 300-year-old Spanish shipwrecks. One of the divers described this discovery at the end of May on the Atlantic coast, which was extraordinary and left all his companions speechless. By the way, you might be interested in a testimonial A young man who survived two shark attacks.

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He thought he had found a piece of wood in a Florida ocean that turned out to be a prehistoric fossil.

“You Didn’t Expect It”The boat’s captain, Grant Kitzlock, told FOX 35. “You always hope, but you never expect.”.

His treasure-hunting partner, Corinne Lea, admitted the discovery was “totally unexpected,” but “great discoveries do happen.”

Discover 214 coins and other artifacts recovered from Spanish shipwrecks. Treasury fleet of 1715 This is rare as these remains have been sought after for decades.

“Receiving this amount in two days is a very exciting start”Gitschlag told the aforementioned media.

Photo: 1715 Navy – Queens Jewels, LLC

They will return to the place to see if they can get more coins

The group contracted with Sal Guttuso, owner of 1715 Fleet Queens Jewels LLC, a company exclusively licensed to salvage shipwrecks and acting as conservator under the supervision of the United States District Court.

Treasure hunters are now working on cleaning the 300-year-old sea dust coins to make them shine again. Then, they return to the site to see if they make another discovery.

A fleet sailed from Cuba to Spain in July 1715, laden with supplies and treasure from the New World; However, a week later, according to 1715 Fleet Queens Jewels LLC, most of the fleet sank during a hurricane.

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“It’s discovery. It’s about discovery.”Leah said. “I love history, the first person to discover something lost in tragedy once in 309 years”.

What was the treasure fleet of 1715?

The Treasure Fleet of 1715 Not one, but two Spanish fleets converged in Havana in July 1715 before sailing to Spain. A week later, a hurricane hit the Florida coast sinking eleven of the 12 ships, causing losses. Countless lives and incalculable treasure.

The event is considered one of the greatest maritime disasters in history and still fascinates treasure hunters today. Millions of dollars worth of coins, jewelry and other artifacts have been recovered from shipwrecks over the years, but it is estimated that most of the treasure remains undiscovered.

The remains of the 1715 treasure fleet are scattered over about 70 square miles off the coast of Florida.


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