The real mix 0.3 festival begins


For two wonderful months, The Bogotá Planetarium will become a hub of technical art with a celebration of Festival Realmix 0.3– 2023. The event will bring together national and international artists who will showcase their captivating virtual and augmented reality creations, creating a unique space to meet and explore.

This year’s RealMix 0.3 will be held concurrently with the eighth edition of the festival. Full dome festivalBoth phenomena are of the order of art, science and technology.

RealMix metaverse and Dome of the Bogotá Planetarium They will be a showcase for emerging and established artists in the visual arts, new media, science and technology. Since 2020, Realmix Festival has been established as a virtual event with the aim of recognizing and promoting technological creation and experimentation through Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR) and Mixed Reality (MX) projects.

Don’t miss out on this From November 15, 2023 to January 15, 2024.

With this post on Instagram, the Bogotá Planetarium invites you to rediscover visual art.

Check out this post on Instagram

A post shared from Line of Art, Science and Technology (@lineaact_).

This year, Metawares will be a virtual space created for exhibition, circulation and approach to immersive and interactive languages. Participation of selected Colombian artists by ACT Line: Nicolás Sánchez -Nyksan-, Juan David Figueroa, Carlos Serrano, Angie Rengifo, Tatyana Zambrano and Hernan Rodríguez. It will be curated by Brazilian artists Arte no Escado (Art on the Stairs of Belo Horizonte – MG – Brazil) and Argentine artists selected by Cristian Reinaga from Festival + Code (Argentina).

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RealMix 0.3’s experiential and educational programming will take place at its Metaverse from November 15 to 20, and participants will be able to access virtual reality, augmented reality, and mixed reality technologies through talks, conversations, and action. The line of art, science and technology completes this edition and virtual exhibition, and will open a one-man exhibition at the Bogotá Planetarium on November 15 with emerging and established artists to address the main theme of the festival with the work of Joaquina. Salgado, Patricia Dominguez, Meriam Bennani, (Sports) Field-less and Krzysztof Garbaczewski.

RealMix Festival brings together virtual, augmented and mixed reality: Virtual Reality – VR is an experience where you navigate an immersive environment that virtually simulates places or scenes that may or may not be real. For example, video games. Augmented Reality – AR is an interactive experience in which virtual elements are interwoven with visualizations of the physical world in real time. This technology can be seen in the filters we use on Instagram. For its part, mixed reality is a hybrid interactive experience in which elements of augmented reality and virtual reality are mixed to create interactions between objects, subjects, virtual worlds, and reality in multiple ways.

Address: Cl. 26 B # 5 – 93


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