Non-governmental organizations are demanding that the Ministry of Economy should stamp the emission efficiency of new vehicles

Non-governmental organizations are demanding that the Ministry of Economy should stamp the emission efficiency of new vehicles

within the structure World Clean Air DayFinancing World Health OrganizationCivil organizations have demanded that the economy ministry implement efficiency and pollutant emission labeling for new vehicles.

The Monterrey Metropolitan Area’s Citizens’ Observatory of Air Quality (OCCA) and Citizens’ Observatory appeared at a public event in front of the Ministry of Economy, where they displayed the demand posters. Clear performance labeling on vehicles.

Stephen Bradziak A member of El Poder del Consumidor and OCCA said the lack of transparency regarding vehicle performance hides costs for consumers.

For example, in smaller cars, more efficient ones can save around 12 thousand paisa per annum The difference between one and the other is in respect of lower profits, and if the comparison extends over time 60 thousand paisa in five years.

“With efficiency and emissions labeling, consumers can estimate annual and relative costs,” Brodziak said.

Civil society organizations highlight that there are initiatives to counter the lack of information, such as energy efficiency and vehicle emission indicators (environmental).

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However, the information is not updated and the data is provided on a voluntary basis Automotive industryThey promised.

“As organizations dedicated to protecting public health and the environment, for nearly a decade we have been demanding that authorities implement performance and emissions labeling that allows consumers to obtain relevant information about vehicle purchases.

“It protects the family economy, promotes competition in the automotive industry to improve efficiency and reduce emissions that worsen air quality,” said Gabriela Alarcon of the Mexico Climate Initiative.

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According to the National Institute on Environment and Climate Change, during the period 2020-2023, 2.5 million people are affected by climate change in the national territory.

The Ministry of Economy is empowered to issue labeling standards and the Ministry of Energy is empowered to prepare energy efficiency labels for vehicles, among other products, as per the Energy Transition Act.

“It is urgent for the government to open up vehicle emissions data under the criteria of maximum publicity that will contribute to strengthening a culture of responsible and informed consumption that promotes the necessary competition in the automotive industry for efficiency and environmental performance,” Alarcon pointed out.

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