No, the moon has no owner, but what about its resources?

No, the moon has no owner, but what about its resources?

Genaro Cajardo Vega The name of the Chilean lawyer and poet, originally from the city of Talca (255 kilometers from the capital), one fine day in 1954 he proudly left a notary’s office, through which he announced himself. Owner of Moon: “Since before 1857, owned, […] “The only satellite of the star, Earth, with a diameter of 3,475.00 kilometers, is called the Moon,” the paper says.

Similarly, an American name Tennis hope Since 1980, it has been dedicated to selling plots on the Moon, Mars, Mercury and other celestial bodies. His business was registered in the name Embajada Chandran, Artists, public figures and even politicians have called in to buy, paying anywhere from $34 to $1,000 in exchange for a “certificate of ownership” engraved with the plot’s address. Also with buyer’s name, additional $2.50.


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