Roselli Amurus confirms she is Paul Garcia's partner: Will her legal situation get complicated? | principle

Roselli Amurus confirms she is Paul Garcia's partner: Will her legal situation get complicated?  |  principle

After publicly denying it, the Congresswoman and third Deputy Speaker of Parliament Roselli Amurus (Developments of the country), finally confirmed that she was having a romantic relationship with the former legislator Paul Garcia. If people close to his current partner—among them, his own sister—were appointed to different positions in Congress, there would be nothing wrong with the relationship. As revealed by El Comercio, the prosecutor's office opened an investigation.

“I am going to talk about a personal issue because if I am not mistaken, this is the first time that they have given so much importance to an intimate political issue. […] Actually, he was in New York and so was I. “We're a couple now.”Amurus told Canal N after learning that they traveled to America (USA) on New Year's Eve.

The Avanza País legislator further pointed out “At the time” He consulted with Garcia, a former legislator from Action Popular. “If I knew the right people” Y “They meet the minimum or maximum requirements (sic) of Congress so that they can join me in my administration.”. He denied giving him a list of names, but said he indicated that he knew “But which is better” She conducts the interviews herself, and she says that's what happened.

However, last October, after a scandal over Linz's party in which Amurus took part and ended with the murder of a man, the legislator denied a romantic relationship with Garcia, whom he claimed to have met. “About four or five months ago”. “I am not in a romantic relationship, we are not a married couple, cohabitants or lovers. […] I have no problem confirming that there is an official relationship. but no”he said.

The tragic event in Linz led to the discovery that eight people close to García were employed in offices linked to Amurus or at his request, El Comercio revealed last October. Among them was Garcia's sister, Alejandra Garcia Oviedo.

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Due to this fact, the prosecutor's office opened a preliminary investigation for inappropriate negotiation or improper use of position, which has been in place until now, as confirmed by the evidence. Trade. Other sources indicate that the anti-corruption prosecutor's office is also involved in the case.

But the situation was different in Congress. In late November, the Parliamentary Ethics Commission approved a report blocking the investigation against Amurus. “They have no blood or connection to the accused Congresswoman.””.

“Although they are owned by friends of Mr. Paul Garcia, their employment relationship is not classified as legally prohibited as the employment in this case would have been carried out within the regulatory framework”This is indicated in the case report.

According to a review of the latest personnel list available on the Congress web portal (November), at least three of the former parliamentarian's eight close friends continue to serve in Congress, one of whom is his former advisor Senit Malaga. The rest, including Garcia's sister, no longer appear on the list of workers.

NAME Status October 2023 November 2023 Type of bond
Alejandra Paola García Oviedo Consultant in Legislative Quality Area No Paul Garcia's sister
Eric Alexander Enrique Tirado Assistant in Liaison Office with Territorial Governments* And Brother of the deceased in the Linz party and activist of Mass Callo, the regional movement against which García is running for mayor of Salaca in 2022.
Angie Gomez Acosta Technician in Liaison Office with Regional and Local Governments* And Wife of the deceased at Linz's party
Ronnie Emir Enrique Tirado Technician of the Capital Peru Special Commission No Brother of the one who died at Lin's party
Rocio Isabel Beltran Garcia Third Vice Presidency Technician No Former staffer in Paul Garcia's office during his 2020-2021 term as Congressman
Appreciate Malaga Karkasi Advisor to the Third Vice President Yes (Senior Office Advisor) Former staffer in Paul Garcia's office during his 2020-2021 term as Congressman
Carmen Margarita Neira Jimenez Counselor II in the office of Congresswoman Amurus No He was a representative of the “Mas Callo” movement in 2022, running for mayor of García Galao.
Karen Viviana Rojas Brandes Advisor to the Capital Peru Special Commission II No He applied to be a councilor on the same list led by Paul Garcia
*Back in September, it appeared in the Congressional Communications Office Source: Congress
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When something so big happened, I told the truth. I have no relationship. But I never denied knowing him. […] I took the time, this event happened, and today I can say that I have a relationship. I am not afraid that this will open an investigation, because I am honest. What could happen? Absolutely nothing“Amurus now pointed out. And he continued to say”We must respect The investigation is being carried out by the prosecutor's office and its jurisdiction, however, he said he felt “quietly” About.

Legal implications

For criminal lawyer Andy Carrion, this recognition of Amurus will complicate his legal situation, because it could “support” the investigation conducted by the public ministry, “but for the crime of influence peddling.” The latter, he emphasized, follows a strategy already observed in previous cases, such as that of former Prime Minister Betsy Chavez.

“Recognition of Amurus's love affair would mean real influence on the part of his boyfriend, lover, in contracts with the state. Because you are talking about hiring, not a job, not a service, but jobs within Congress. For this it is necessary to go through some filters.Carrion said.

Counsel pointed out that while there is a certain amount of flexibility to hire trusted persons, this does not exempt them from meeting minimum procedures and requirements. “Congressmen explain that a position of trust means absolute discretion and that discretion allows them to hire whomever they want.”He questioned.

He also pointed out that if Amurus denied having an affair with Garcia not only in front of the media, but also in front of the authorities (be it the police or the prosecutor's office), it could be considered. “Practical Fraud”.

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For his part, the criminal lawyer Vladimir Padilla emphasized that in its investigation strategy, it could confirm whether the recruits met the minimum profile to access the position, but above all if the tasks were carried out.

“Though it is true that the administrative office itself hires, it hires under one's proposal and under one's request. […] And the position of faith is not to choose anyone. It must meet certain requirements.Padilla also mentioned.

For his part, criminal lawyer Enrique Guerci considered that if the relationship between Amurus and Garcia was merely emotional, if they did not live together or had a de facto union, the issue would have no significance. “Legal Effect”. If the opposite is confirmed, “Yes, there will be a rule violation and the prosecutor's office should investigate.””.

“It's not a crime because your girlfriend's friend works in your office; It must be proved that Valentine was influential in hiring him; Prove that the congresswoman is actually hiring these people as a result of her partner's request”, he emphasized.

Kersey also acknowledged that Amurus Garcia could face criminal consequences if he disowned him not only in front of the media but also in front of authorities. “It's a crime.”

“If he officially declared before the police or the prosecutor's office that he had no relationship with that person, and later, he admits that he had a relationship, he has made a false statement. Criminal Consequences.”, He pointed out.


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