Mincetur: Ticket sales platform for Machu Picchu will be activated on January 12 | Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism | | Peru

Mincetur: Ticket sales platform for Machu Picchu will be activated on January 12 |  Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism |  |  Peru

He Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism (Mincetur) Announced virtual and permanent sale of tickets to enter the Inca Citadel So much so It will begin on Thursday, January 12.

The date was given by the Head of Department. Juan Carlos MathewsThis Sunday Canal N.

It will be through internet Company Liability to join.

There is a special function to announce that this Thursday the 12th (ticket sales) is open That would mark a proper reopening of the Machu Picchu issue,” Mathews said.

Also Read: Tickets to Machu Picchu: Online sale of entry tickets begins today, January 3

Minister mentioned Procurement is permanently open throughout the year After claims by the private sector that ticket sales will be for a limited period only.

“With sales opening this week, it's open year-round, and that's what's needed. […] He said it will be resolved this week.

Photo: Andina

read more: Machu Picchu: When can I first book my service ticket?


Mathews also pointed out that the company responsible for managing the ticketing platform won the process by offering the service at a lower rate than others who had put themselves forward.

The winner is the one who charges the lowest and provides the same service transparently., is fully auditable. There was interest from many and it was not submitted for normal bidding process as it does not exceed 8 UIT as per law,” he pointed out.

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