Touristech warns that the demand for technology in the tourism sector is currently increasing.

Touristech warns that the demand for technology in the tourism sector is currently increasing.

The closed edition of Fitur helped to highlight the strength of the Touristek cluster aimed at innovation and tourism technology, which has already been demonstrated by hotel companies in terms of the compelling need to obtain technological solutions and tools for their daily life.

Jame Montserrat, president of the cluster, He explained to Economíademallorca that the Balearic Islands are going to enjoy another record season and this is really showing. “Demand for technology companies has not stopped growing. More and more solutions are being demanded after the pandemic. This will force us to have solutions on platforms where companies connect directly.”

In this sense, Montserrat points out that it must be competitive and respond to demand. Greater integration between different technology companies. That is, customers have a wide range of demands and there is no single supplier that covers everything, so the relationships we can establish between the members of the cluster are essential. “The better we are with suppliers, the better we can reach more customers, because the demand for technology in the tourism industry right now is brutal.”

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Monserrat recognizes that companies are overwhelmed by this enormous demand. “We've hit a plug in terms of delivery capacity and connectivity.”

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From this version of Fitur, it is clear that Touristek is the immediate future To evolve towards artificial intelligence, Because, as Monserrat points out, it is here to stay and will have a profound impact on tourism business models.” And he says that the sector is very cautious. There is no special immediate interest in these solutions, but we know that there will be soon. For this reason “one thing we are involved in now and this Let's provide solutions, or we'll be left behind.”

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As for the passing moment of the cluster, Montserrat promises to be the best in its history. “We have crossed a hundred members and the brand is very well positioned To the extent that we identify as reference experts. Now we must take one more leap to deliver more value to our companies, and this leap must be to generate more direct business for partners.”

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