25 years of Mediamarkt. A journey through time through technology

25 years of Mediamarkt.  A journey through time through technology

April 10, 2024. RIU Hotel opens its 25th floor to celebrate 25 years of MediaMarket Rooms In it Marta Domínguez, Head of Marketing at MediaMarkt Spain, told two groups of journalists about the company's history and evolution through technology.

In this regard, multinational, it is already It has 111 stores and over 250,000 square meters of commercial spaceSimulates with focus on its latest campaign The 25th Anniversary will recreate the years 1999, 2004, 2009, 2014 and 2019. Embarks on a journey through the 25-year life of one of the leaders in the electronics industry, exposing some of the products, campaigns and relevant moments of each decade.

Start of MediaMarket Spain

The door of time leads IPMARK Until 1999, specifically November 11 is the day Mediamark opens its first store in San Sebastián de los Reyes (Madrid). The date marked on the calendar for a company of German origin “we put all our stock on sale and changed the retail model, something that hadn't happened before. Customers could see, touch, pay and leave. We always asked ourselves if it was going to work, and in the end it was a success.” was modeled,” he declares. Marta Dominguez, Head of Marketing of MediaMarkt SpainWho has been a part of this retail for over 20 years.

The 25th floor of the RIU Hotel simulated the opening of the first store by Mediamarket Spain in 1999.
The 25th floor of the RIU Hotel simulated the opening of the first store by Mediamarket Spain in 1999.

MediaMarket was one of the first retailers to offer warranties, installations and after sales services. At the technical level, the multinational company sold thousands of them Nokia 5110 In a year where consumers still pay in pesetas. At the time, there was a trend Pokemon and The Spice Girls.

Five years later, IPMARK travels back to 2004, the year MediaMarkt Already created in 2022 statement very iconic, 'I'm not stupid'It's a motto they haven't used in 10 years, but it caught on with the company's customers, and to this day, consumers directly associate it with the company.

2004 was the year that video games sold more than movies and music. For this reason, Mediamarkt stood out with products like Game Boy Color and PlayStation 2. “Another milestone in technology was when VHS began to die and DVD panels began to sell by the thousands, which represented a real revolution,” he explained. Marta Dominguez For journalists invited to the 25th anniversary celebrations.

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2004 was the year Mediamark developed with technology and launched the Game Boy2004 was the year Mediamark developed with technology and launched the Game Boy
2004 was the year Mediamark developed with technology and launched the Game Boy.

It's the year of the Motorola card and the MP3. In late 2004, the first compact console, the Nintendo DS, was launched. In this second experiential room, space stars Harry Potter, a saga that was very present in those years. Also, at this time, Mediamarkt had sections that don't exist today, such as workshops in parking lots where cars could be installed with radio cassettes.

Successful campaigns and new electronic devices

The year 2009 was marked by successful campaigns like 'VAT Free Day'.The year 2009 was marked by successful campaigns like 'VAT Free Day'.
The year 2009 was marked by successful campaigns like 'VAT Free Day'.

On January 29, 2007, The VAT free day, A campaign that still exists today and is carried by many retailers. “We had 12 checkouts running all day with lines going around the store. We were charging the last customer at 1:00 a.m.,” he recalls. Marta Dominguez. Two years later, in 2009, Mediamarkt celebrated 10 years of operations with 50 openings in Spain. That year iPhone 3Gs At the beginning of applications, a fact that represents a technological evolution.

The Wii hit the market to revolutionize people of all ages. At the store, people were reaching for the boards and running down the aisles to pick them up,” commented Dominguez. All of this was marked by the rise of the Twilight saga in a decade. The Head of Marketing He took a paper brochure in his hands, through which he communicated discounts and news to his customers He admitted that they will not have physical publications from April 2023 and will have them all online to continue consistency. This fact did not deter them, quite the opposite. According to Domínguez, this change has opened up many opportunities for them.

The penetration of Black Friday in Spain is thanks to Mediamarkt

In 2012 the MediaMarkt website was born and in 2014, the world already started to see the first YouTubers.In 2012 the MediaMarkt website was born and in 2014, the world already started to see the first YouTubers.
In 2012, the MediaMarkt website was born, and in 2014, the world already began to see the first YouTubers.

Another door of time leads IPMARK year 2014, a room with green lights marked by the rise of Yotubers. Two years ago, specifically in 2012, MediaMarkt opened its website for the first time. “I had a micro heart attack on the first day because the website went down,” he recalls with a laugh. Marta Dominguez.

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Exactly the same year, MediaMarkt was the first to bring Black Friday to SpainAn initiative that existed in the US did not exist in Europe. This fact represented a successful campaign, and the rest of the resellers joined in the following year. Today is the date marked on the calendar as the peak day of sales.

Around the same time when products like Call of Duty, the first virtual reality goggles and selfie sticks stood out, the company changed its 'I'm not stupid' campaign to 'This is no country for stupid'. However, Mediamark Spain's head of marketing did not leave the evolution of television either: “We invented Kilo for Euros, a campaign where customers brought their tube TV and received a discount to buy their flat TV. ».

The Great Siba and the Rise of AI

Mediamarkt now has 111 stores in SpainMediamarkt now has 111 stores in Spain
Mediamarkt currently has 111 stores in Spain.

2019 is the last door of the season. But before that, in 2015, Mediamark launched the campaign Big Sinba In this, customers participate in a raffle and have 90 minutes to take everything away once the store closes. Two years later, 2017 was notable for the iPad Air 2, hybrids between tablet and laptop, the first Smart Roomba, and the arrival of smart speakers. or revolutionary launch Google Home, The company opened its logistics center in Pinto (Madrid).

The company was launched with 30,000 square meters of space to serve 78 stores in Spain at the time. After a while, the center expanded to double its capacity and became a reference for the entire group globally. On the other hand, the company established two CenterInternational companies, one administrative and the other technical, currently serve the group's various countries and employ nearly 500 people.

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During this time, Mediamarkt grew from 100 stores to 110. Additionally, one of the major milestones was the launch of a new and successful store design in 2022. Technology Village In Majadahond, Madrida, an experiential space with more than 8,000 square meters of surface and 22 boutiques.

“Omnichannel is one of our focuses. The idea is to sell to the customer wherever they are, regardless of what they need. We have home delivery, store delivery, self-service. Help meet all the customer's needs,” Dominguez said, but not before specifying The year 2020 and the crisis caused by a global pandemic.

“In 2020, the pandemic came and Mediamarkt turned its closed stores into logistics centers that served all the online purchases of people confined to their homes,” recalls Marta Dominguez. The company's head of marketing in Spain doesn't hesitate to talk about AI in the current era. Products like the Nitido Switch, 3D printers and smart TVs stand out.

“We're adapting and integrating AI to help us. Interactive instructions, manuals that will be needed after our products, a manual for our employees that will have content and quick searches to make their daily lives a little easier »Domínguez reports.

How about an interactive experience on the 25th floor of the RIU Hotel Marta Dominguez takes a tour of 25 years of MediamarkIt is a technology company Customers have 60 days to try the product and exchange itBut now it has its own workshop to provide repair services.

“Strengthen our sustainability program by working with the customer throughout the purchase and product lifecycle, the user experience, and the sale of refurbished product.” These are the objectives with which Domínguez closed a 25-year journey MediamarkA retailer will celebrate its anniversary with the assurance that it has grown alongside technology.


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