Is a wave of low temperatures approaching in the coming months of 2024? Chenami predicted this

Is a wave of low temperatures approaching in the coming months of 2024?  Chenami predicted this
Sennahi has warned that temperatures will drop below normal in the coming months. (Photo: Andina)

National Meteorological and Hydrological Service (Senamhi) warned citizens Metropolitan Lima et al Regions of Peru Cooler days, less than normal, are expected at the end of the year and in the later months of the year autumn And the beginning Winter From 2024 onwards.

Although low temperatures have already been felt in the past week – on Thursday, May 9, the lowest night temperature of this year was recorded at 15 ° C -, these will drop even more.

“It should be emphasized that last year the temperature was above normal. In the autumn of 2023 we had hot conditions, but this time we have normal conditions,” commented Jose Mesia, a meteorologist at Chenamhi to Andina Agency.

Metropolitan Lima recorded the coldest night of 2024. (Photo: Andina)

According to weather forecasts by an agency attached to the Ministry of Environment (minam), temperatures along the central coast, including Lima, will be in the normal range and below normal 2024 May, June and July.

“In the districts near the von Humboldt station in La Molina, the minimum temperature for May is expected to fluctuate around 15.6 °C on average; by June we will be at 15.2 °C. This means that the temperature will gradually decrease at night,” Mecia said.

He also pointed out that according to meteorological studies, the next July They will bring it Average climate is 14.2 °C in districts East of Lima. However, sometimes it is necessary to observe nights Can be registered Cool temperature.

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In addition, for residents of the districts near the Campo de Marte station, il Lima Valley Y Jesus is MaryIt is expected that May nights are around 17°CMeanwhile June A slight decrease of 16 °C is expected. This suggests the arrival of cooler weather as the months progress.

“In general, Lima has low clouds or stratospheric clouds in winter, which means there is high humidity at night, early morning and early morning, and this humidity increases the feeling of coldness. “Added the expert.

It is important to highlight that Winter in Peru in 2024 officially begins On June 20 at 3:51 PM. and ends September 22 with spring arrival.

This moment signifies Winter solstice In the Southern Hemisphere, a significant astronomical phenomenon Earth reaches its maximum tilt, which strikes the sun’s rays very obliquely. This phenomenon results in generation Low temperatures and short days.

In addition to these astronomical aspects, it is important to consider how this season affects the climate. He National Meteorological and Hydrological Service It has already warned of possible severe weather in some specific areas.

Areas near coastal areas are expected to experience drizzle Y the fog In the early morning hours. These conditions may be extended in some districts until morning or noon.

Therefore, in addition to astronomical changes, it is important to be prepared for the possible Climate variations That will come this season. It is important to follow the recommendations of local authorities and pay attention to weather updates to take necessary precautions.


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