Immigration orders expulsion of 31 foreigners who intervened in Cusco and Tampes: they cannot return to Peru in 15 years

Immigration orders expulsion of 31 foreigners who intervened in Cusco and Tampes: they cannot return to Peru in 15 years
Foreigners cannot return to Peru for 15 years – Credit: Government of Peru.

The National Immigration Monitor issued a total of 31 evacuation orders to foreign nationals in Cusco and Tampas. National Police of Peru (PNP) and the Public Ministry. Through those interventions, foreigners were not allowed to enter the country Adequate immigration control.

Action was taken by using Exceptional special administrative permit procedure (PASEE), designed to facilitate the expeditious escape of criminals. This system allows for swift action against those who enter irregularly or engage in activities that threaten public order, national or civil security.

Foreigners, have been Ethiopia, Haiti Y VenezuelaThey were intercepted in different police operations on their way to Lima Tumbes Y Cuzcodays 22 Y May 23. Apart from deportation, they were barred from returning for a period A period of 15 years.

In Cuzco, PNP intervention was involved 19 citizens He entered the country by interprovincial bus from Brazil via Madre de Dios.

Foreigners cannot return to Peru for 15 years – Credit: Government of Peru.

On the other hand, in TumbesThe PNP And this Office of the Human Trafficking Prosecutor 12 They saw foreigners walking near it Bilateral Border Maintenance Center (CEBAF) towards the south.

According to the police report, migrations I use AlgaeA mechanism to facilitate immediate deportation of aliens who evade immigration control.

This process consists of two phases: an instruction phase and an approval phase. It begins with the allegation of charges and ends with the declaration eviction decision, To be processed by the PNP within a maximum of 24 hours.

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This swift action seeks to maintain the internal order and security of the country. The Superintendent of Immigration It was reported that PASEE is important to counter the emerging threats represented Irregular immigration and the possible commission of crimes.

Migration order to expel 31 foreigners who intervened in Cusco and Tumbes – Credits: Government of Peru.

In a press conference held last October, Eduardo Arana, Minister of Justiceindicated that persons attempting to re-enter the country after being expelled by committing crimes Or why Administrative procedures Immigrants face sanctions, including prison terms.

“I want to emphasize that one of these decrees is aimed at listening to the people’s cries, but it affects an aspect that citizens and the government have been paying attention to: the situation of foreigners who commit crimes, who are routinely detained. Basically, those who are expelled at the border and return to commit crimes again,” he said.

Also, the Head of Minjas The matter was carefully identified and analysed, and a legal solution was proposed: those who attempted to return with the intention of committing a crime would be subject to imprisonment.

PASEE is a system that allows immediate deportation of foreigners who evade immigration control – Credits: Government of Peru.

“The underlying delicto process will be coordinated as it will automatically identify and share information with Immigration, National Police and the Department of Justice. We are going to put an immediate end to this obvious place where foreigners have to re-enter the country.”, he mentioned.

In 2023, the National Immigration Monitor 2,170 foreigners have been denied entry through restrictions Jorge Chavez International AirportMain point Immigration enforcement In Peru.

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Since it is total, 455 persons As they were considered potential threats based on assessments carried out at the Advanced Passenger Information System (APIS) operations centre, they underwent extensive screening at secondary control.

Through a statement, it stated that the purpose of this mechanism is to ensure the assessment of threats to national security and to guarantee adequate compliance. Immigration Rules.


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