Vladimir Putin calls for improving military economy as Russia fights corruption in armed forces | the world

Vladimir Putin calls for improving military economy as Russia fights corruption in armed forces |  the world

He Russian President Vladimir PutinToday the military industrial complex demands the implementation of an effective economic system armed forcesAt a time when the country is battling corruption at the highest levels of the military.

It is important to implement effective economics armed forces. We all understand that the costs we face are the nation’s economy armed forcesBeing a part of the entire country’s economy, each state ruble must be implemented in such a way as to be effective.“, he said.

A meeting with representatives of the Russian military department in Korolev, a satellite city of the Moscow region, Putin He stressed that all resources should be spent efficiently only on what the people need armed forcesBut to join the national economy as a whole.

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Putin recalled that a series of decisions were taken to increase the effectiveness of the repair and restoration of the combat capability of weapons and military equipment and to accelerate the processes aimed at returning to the combat zone. UkraineAnd the accounts of this process were asked.

In addition, he recalled his order to accelerate the implementation of new technologies and innovative solutions to constantly improve and improve the technical-tactical characteristics of weapons, taking into account the experience of real combat.

We must always be one step ahead. You have to get ahead of the enemy and then victory is assured“, said.

read more: A purge of generals in Russia amid the Ukrainian war

Putin made the demands amid a purge of Russia’s military leadership, with five generals arrested on corruption charges in the past month.

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