Andy Polo University | “Polo is as equal in the Cup as in Ligue 1. Their level is stellar”: Strong definition of Championship’s image | Peru Team | Game-Total

Andy Polo University |  “Polo is as equal in the Cup as in Ligue 1. Their level is stellar”: Strong definition of Championship’s image |  Peru Team |  Game-Total

Meera: University, Centenary and Apertura: It seemed impossible, but the decades-long sleeping giant woke up | Comment

His name is Andy Polo and he wants U to win – or try to win – any game he plays. Any championship. On Saturday he was chosen by Ligue 1 Te Apuesta – with absolute justice – as the best footballer in the championship. A notable figure in the polo team.

See here University student, winner and scorer: a brilliant Apertura elevates Polo to the best and makes Oreja a permanent fixture on Fossati’s roster.

Is he the best player in the Championship? Are we facing the best version of your career that started in 2011 with Chemo del Solar in the bank? Starting with that, El Comercio Universitario de Deportes contacted key sports journalists to analyze Andy Polo’s performance with the shirt.

  • 1. Is Andy Polo the best player in Ligue 1? Because?
  • 2. Do you have a chance to start for George Fossati’s team?

Daniel Kaneshiro – Liga 1 Max

1. Yes, Polo’s performance in both the Libertadores and Liga1 fronts is very high. The plus side of being the best in the league is that every good polo match ends in 3 points for the U.

2. I don’t know the owner, it will be difficult as long as the advincula level is maintained in Boca. The most important thing is that the right wing of the team is very well covered.

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Diego Repagliati – Moviestar Sports

1. Undoubtedly this is one of the best.

2. Obviously he might be a starter, but a fight with Advincula is a good problem for Fossati. For me, I have to find a way to have both in the eleven.

Pedro Ortiz Bisso – Collaborator of El Comercio

1. Andy Polo is one of the best players in Ligue 1, probably the most influential, but let’s not forget Serna or Ignacio.

2. Of course. Carrillo no longer has the speed he once had and his position on the field has also changed. We’ll have to see how he fares in his fight with Advincula.

Ricardo Montoya – Liga 1 Max

1. It’s difficult to compare positions on the field, but without a doubt, at full-back, he is undoubtedly the best in the Championship. But there are interesting players like Cerna, Federico Rodriguez, Ignacio da Silva, Yoden. Andy Polo’s thing is over the top, I think ‘Bigot’ Rodriguez is a bit underwhelming.

2. Undoubtedly yes, we’ll have to see where Advincula goes, but I think the potential is there because Fossati knows him and his position is stellar.


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