The region is a world leader in technology for the elderly through a new digital platform

The region is a world leader in technology for the elderly through a new digital platform

The region of Murcia will become the third region in the world In using a pioneering digital platform aimed at improving the physical, cognitive and social skills of the elderlys. The project, coordinated with the Regional Government’s Emotional Technology initiative, will initially be developed in the houses of San Basilio (Murcia) and Domingo Sastre (Lorca), as well as in the Alcandarilla Community Center.

Finance and Commerce Minister, Luis Alberto MarinHe met Reuben Camerts, Vice President of SMART Technologies, a leading educational technology company implementing this project in collaboration with Integra Digital Foundation and Murcian Institute of Social Action (IMAS)It also counts financial support from the European Fund for Regional Development (Fedor).

During the first months of the year, the company Each participating center installed 65-inch digital panels and provided initial training to the personL. The training has been extended to five days in the presence of an expert at each center. The collaboration is very positive as the region has been chosen to work with Denver and Melbourne to develop new digital content and interactive technologies for seniors.

The project includes a generational component with the participation of students from the DigiMakers educational innovation program of Alcantara Secondary School, Alcantara. These students collaborate with experts from senior centers To customize and adapt digital content according to users’ needs.

“The regional government maintains it Commitment to digital transformation of society“Ensures that technology serves people and improves their quality of life,” said Marin.

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