Holiday June 7 | Talara Municipality asks MTC Minister Raul Pérez Reyes to return emergency lights from airport | Jorge Chavez Airport | Latest | Peru

Holiday June 7 |  Talara Municipality asks MTC Minister Raul Pérez Reyes to return emergency lights from airport |  Jorge Chavez Airport |  Latest |  Peru

Talara Provincial Municipality in Piura claims Ministry of Transport and Communications (MTC) To return emergency lights taken to Capitán Montes Arias Airport Jorge Chavez International Airport In Lima to leave the landing area unattended after the June 2 incident.

In a statement, the commune asks the MTC to “immediately” reconsider the move, which endangers the lives of national and foreign travelers and affects tourism and the economy of “thousands of talarenos.”

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He warned that in case of any mishap, only the person responsible will be held responsible MTC.

Meanwhile, Transport Minister Raul Pérez Reyes told reporters yesterday that portable emergency lights are also being brought from Arequipa to “manage any emergency.” Some tour operators have questioned their rejection and the move.

Likewise, its owner Ministry of Transport and Communications Referring to the responsibilities of the June 2 afternoon incident in Jorge Chavez, he said that the prosecutor’s office will establish the reasons.

Jorge Chavez International Airport was plunged into chaos last Sunday, June 2, until 4:00 a.m. on Monday, June 3 due to a short circuit in the lights. (Photo: César Grados/@photo.gec)

The incident at Jorge Chavez

The lights of landing strip of Jorge Chavez International Airport They suffered from a short circuit last Sunday, June 2 before 8:00 PM and it lasted till 4:00 AM on Monday, June 3. More than 100 flights were delayed, affecting 8,600 national and international passengers.

Raul Pérez-Reyes described the event as “coincidental”; However, new evidence may exclude the event. As decided by the full session of the Republican Congress this Thursday, June 6, the Chairman of the MTC will now face three impeachments on Wednesday, June 12.

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