1000 days in space and 3 more months of travel

1000 days in space and 3 more months of travel
On June 5, cosmonaut Oleg Kononenko reached the milestone of 1,000 days in space.
Helder lobes

Helder lobes Meteorites Portugal 4 minutes

Oleg Kononenko reached the milestone of 1000 days in space. This extraordinary feat beats the previous record of 878 days, 11 hours, 29 minutes and 48 seconds.Founded by his compatriot Gennady Badalka.

Kononenko, 59, is currently on his fifth trip International Space Station (ISS), where he set a new record and will continue to do so for at least another three months. By the time it returns to Earth on September 23, it will have spent a total of 1,110 days in orbit.

More than an achievement: a career dedicated to space exploration

As a result of his remarkable career, Kononenko’s time in space will mark historyBut it will prove an inspiring vision for the future of space exploration.

At a time when major world powers are considering establishing permanent bases on the Moon and missions to Mars, Kononenko defends the construction of a more robust and comfortable space station, which he calls “a real space house”. .

Olek Knonenko Space House
Kononenko is responsible for the claim that more comfortable and robust stations can become real “space houses”.

To achieve this goal, Kononenko based on his experience, Proposes to improve water regeneration, oxygen supply and space debris recycling systems. These improvements, according to the astronaut, will make life in space more safe and suitable for future astronauts.

Also, long-duration space missions like Kononenko’s are critical to the advancement of space science. New campaigns of this type may contribute to the study of the effects of microgravity on the human bodyEssential knowledge for long space missions such as those destined for Mars.

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A Russian cosmonaut’s longer stay on the ISS will allow scientists to learn more about its physiological effects on the body, such as muscle atrophy or loss of bone mass.

Kononenkowho performed seven spacewalks during the voyage, He spent a total of 44 and a half hours outside the shipContributes to improving repair and maintenance techniques for on-orbit equipment.

An inspiration to future generations of astronauts

Kononenko’s exceptional dedication and commitment to space exploration serves as an inspiration to future generations of astronauts and scientists. A “space house” and his particular vision Your contributions to space science are important steps towards realizing the dream of living and working in space..

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Kononenko’s achievement is a credit to the entire international community, especially for those dedicated to space science. This achievement demonstrates the human ability to overcome challenges and achieve extraordinary achievements.


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