5G Technology: Just for Postpaid Users?


In February this year, the Ministry of Technology announced with much fanfare The advent of 5G technologyIt undoubtedly brings many benefits to internet users.

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however, Follow La W The report sent by the Communications Regulatory Authority to the Comptroller of Industry and Trade on 30 May., operators should investigate whether any of their affiliates are not providing 5G service. In this document, the CRC asked all telecom companies to respond whether they offer 5g service to their users both prepaid and postpaid and whether they comply with the conditions defined by MinTic.

Communications Regulatory Authority sent a report to the Industry and Trade Watch Authority on May 30

When faced with this demand, CLARO was the only operator that said it is not offering 5g service to its prepaid users, as this is the first phase of 5g service deployment. The data examines consumption behavior and is focused on postpaid users.

Other companies like it MOVISTAR, TIGO, WOM and TELLCALL They replied that they provide these services to all users irrespective of their contract type.

Claro menu

To get clarity on the issue, Follow Law W spoke to Felipe Diaz, Director-in-Charge of the CRC, who assured that the agency has made a special request to all operators. Of course, for commercial and operational reasons, It is yet to provide service to prepaid users.

“Therefore, within the operational powers of this commission, what we did was transferred to the Industry and Trade Surveillance (SIC). Within the framework of its powers, it will identify whether it is possible for the user to breach the security regime. to the consumer or to the competition regime.”

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The media inquired about CLARO’s 5G service for prepaid users and they confirm that “Since March, our prepaid customers with 5G terminals have been enabled on the network of this technology.”. It is worth clarifying that to enjoy 5G, it is necessary to be in the coverage area and have a terminal that includes this technology.”

Additionally, Director Diyas promised that, to date, In the country, 1,153 sites out of nearly 29,500 sites are already deployed with 5G deployments.“Bogota leads the deployment and we have an important rhythm.”

The official warned, “CRC, in its role as a focused and prospective regulator, Undertakes permanent monitoring to guarantee the well-being and safety of users of both deployment statistics, Both in terms of coverage, traffic and the manner in which business offers are offered,” the commission asked the operators.

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