State-of-the-art innovation for health technology

State-of-the-art innovation for health technology

Everywhere we look, technology seems to be one of the essentials of our daily lives. But if we focus on the health sector, the role it plays is essential. Health technology is already a reality, changing the way we practice medicine and personalizing patient care, but the potential on the horizon seems limitless.Thanks to new technologies that show a promising future.

Aware of the many possibilities that open up to be more efficient and competitive, the Spanish Federation of Health Technology Companies (FENIN) offers a 360-degree service to its members, which includes, among other activities, meetings with experts and webinars. and advice on new trends in innovation.

“There is an area of ​​engineering and industrial technology that allows us to learn how to improve production processes. The breakfasts we held in Madrid and Barcelona allow us to discover this theoretical innovation and put it into practice thanks to the events that our partners present to us. The objective is Hold a webinar on June 27 where we will guide them through cutting-edge technologies,” explains Pilar Navarro. Director of Innovation at Fenin.

If there’s one thing all experts agree on, it’s that so-called importance «Data-driven medicine, as it is the most effective key to precision and personalized medicine for the needs of the patient,” says Navarro. This data is the basis for feeding another great trend that marks the field. Artificial intelligence (AI), a powerful tool that promises Hugo Martínez de LahidalgaTechnalia’s strategic business development, he asserts “AI allows companies to anticipate future failures of their machines and perform predictive maintenance, which allows companies to provide a complete service to their customers. And, as he pointed out Ivan ArreolaTechnology Transfer Manager at Technicer, «AI can be embedded in a machine designed by a health technology company, which provides Greater security for data collection». Here is the comment Digital twinThat is, he clarifies, “Computer models that mimic computers during testing tend to ensure that there are zero errors in the production line and that the process is optimized.” Jordi PalmiolaProject Manager of the Singular Projects Department and responsible for I4.0 at Eurecat.

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Another current and future technology is 3D printing, which allows surgeons to perform experiments or create prostheses with existing surgical models. exoskeleton Designed by Marcy Bionics, a Spanish company, with its own innovative technology, it achieves active joints with variable stiffness that mimics natural muscle function and personalizes gait therapy. “And in the future, 3D printing will be made of organs and tissues, because already a very powerful line of research has been opened,” Navarro advances.

Added further to this RoboticsMost prevalent in surgery, but increasingly promising in the field Rehabilitation and physical therapy. And let’s not forget its purpose Augmented and Virtual Reality. “Here’s an important part of training and surgical planning for doctors, but also in practice for patients, whether it’s used for pain treatments or to reduce anxiety,” explains Navarro, “and that’s the last big trend. Telemedicine and virtual consultationsThis reduces travel, however the future lies in the use of remote monitoring and remote devices.

So, the techies agree Innovation in healthcare will follow a path marked by sustainability and efficiency. Therefore, new devices will be increasingly efficient and sustainable thanks to data analysis, AI and the development of environmentally friendly materials. “He Environmental design “It’s important to create new devices with materials that are easily replaceable,” Palmiola presents, while Arriola emphasizes, “Most companies already think about them when they design their product.demanufacturing”. “It’s the trend to follow.”


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