Visa for Venezuelans in Peru | Starting July 2, citizens of Venezuela must provide a visa and passport to enter Peru | Ceremonies

Visa for Venezuelans in Peru |  Starting July 2, citizens of Venezuela must provide a visa and passport to enter Peru |  Ceremonies

A resolution migrations For purposes of immigration control to enter Peru, Venezuelan citizens must present their country’s current ordinary passport and a relevant visa issued by a Peruvian consular office.

From July 2, citizens Venezuela Those who wish to enter the national territory must a A valid ordinary passport Y Peruvian VisaAccording to a rule National Immigration Monitor. We will explain the terms and some additional objectives to you in more detail.

The Resolution no. 000121-2024-migrationsThe Legal Standards Bulletin of the Official Gazette was published this Thursday A PeruvianVenezuela provides citizens with various documents for immigration control to enter the national territory.

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What does the visa rule say for Venezuelans entering Peru?

Rule, Resolution no. 000177-2019-migrations As of June 12, 2019, temporary immigration status and resident immigration status require a valid ordinary Venezuelan passport and visa Corresponding, delivered to the Peruvian Consular Office.

For resident immigration status only, a valid ordinary Venezuelan passport is required and visa Current humanitarian assistance is provided by the Peruvian Embassy.

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In addition, the resolution establishes that the granting of requests to change immigration status will be allowed only once for Venezuelan nationals with expired passports whose last entry into the country was before July 2, 2024, and they remain nationals. territory, and must comply with other requirements and conditions inherent in each practice.

Likewise, the Directorates of Technical Management and Immigration Supervision and Migration Registration and Control, as appropriate and within their jurisdiction, shall issue supplementary provisions to the provisions of this Resolution.

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“This resolution shall take effect five calendar days after its publication in the Official Gazette. A Peruvian“Specified the standard.

What happens to Venezuelan citizens who do not have a visa and are already in Peru?

It is to be noted that the details of this have not been mentioned in the above resolution. However, the Ordinance no. 1582 clarifies the exit of all foreigners The permanent time limit has been exceeded And? You have not formalized the documents for your stay. Also, citizens who attempt to provide authorities with forged documents to greenlight their immigration status will also be deported.


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