Announces new challenges in telecom technology to boost corporate segment

Announces new challenges in telecom technology to boost corporate segment

Announces new challenges in telecom technology to boost corporate segment

Within the framework of a new version “Telecom Trend Day”, Held in Rosario before SMEs and companies in the region, Telecom, a leading telecom company, provided the latest solutions designed for the corporate segment. These are designed around its four technology business pillars: fixed and mobile connectivity, cloud (a collection of cloud computing services), Internet of Things (IoT) and cyber security, with the aim of improving internal operations and productivity levels within industries.

In conversation with In La Capital’s Business Supplement, Julio Hatka, Electronic Engineer and B2B Business Director at Telecom, announced the innovation they are working on, and it will focus on a business innovation model that builds on artificial intelligence. It is a development that brings many changes in the operating systems of companies. “The cloud is not as modern a technology as it was at the time, Rather they are technological models that change the way industries are created“, the manager explained and added that this will also affect the appearance of new companies.

Artificial intelligence is applied to business

According to Hatka, the adoption of this method is already underway, and companies that adopt it will have a greater competitive advantage than those that do not. Generally, two areas of application are addressed, one is in the relationship with the customer in sales and after sales services. The other part of the process is operational, the ability to automate processes and receive information in advance to avoid failures or problems in processes. “Generative AI will allow segmentation of a business offering according to the type of customer, and each will have an offer based on their uniqueness,” Hatka envisioned.

This change will require not only incorporating technology, but also professional services to install, operate and maintain them. It prompted telecommunication To consolidate “partnership” relationships, i.e., business alliances with other technology platforms that complement the value proposition they offer. “It is impossible for a company to address the new way of data processing that comes without an ecosystem of ‘partners’. We have more than fifteen people, with whom we complement each other, big global companies like Huawei, Nokia, Meta, Google and ADWS,” the businessman pointed out.

Technology for cyber security

Cybersecurity is an issue on the agenda due to the number of virtual scams in circulation. According to studies carried out by the consulting firm IDC, by 2024, 34% of the income of medium and large companies in Argentina will come from products and experiences. Therefore, safety appears to be a priority in technical areas.

Hatka pointed out that AI and automation will be key areas in which companies invest to improve their security systems against attacks. This is a focal point of Telecom’s focus in the corporate segment, for which it offers professional consulting services through consultancy, and a wide portfolio of security tools.


Virtual frauds are growing and taking different forms, which is why Telecom offers solutions to prevent them.

Digital adaptation and costs

The manager assumed that companies are going to dedicate a significant part of their budgets to developing with AI, as it relates to their continuity and the possibility of being competitive in the market. OrIn this sense, the priority is to observe the pricing policy according to the type of customers and their needs. This means that professionals and businesses can access digital solutions for their market and cyber security or cloud services. “We have antivirus systems, data processing in Telecom’s own clouds, which is more accessible than going to another scale public cloud like Amazon or Google, we want to be a stable option in the long run,” said the engineer.

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Corporate sectors where Telecom wants to emphasize its focus are: mining, agriculture, knowledge industry and oil and gas. Given the strong agricultural sector in the Santa Fe region, Telecom’s main work is in the connection of machinery. In the north of Buenos Aires alone, using 500,000 hectares of mobile coverage, the entire industry and its suppliers have created an ecosystem with material possibilities to access the benefits of AI.

The demand may not be from technology, but from business. “CEOs, owners of companies, will be the first to ask for the technical areas of this evolution, otherwise, If they leave, the impact is much stronger when their competitor has tools they don’t. They end up buying platforms with professional services that match their profile, activate them, update them and provide them with processing capabilities. Given its high scale and complexity, Telecom’s value proposition relates to building and making available professional services tailored to our customers’ usage times across all of these platforms.Hatka assured.


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