Peru team today | “It’s time to leave history in the museum display case”: Renato Cisneros and five pieces of advice for Jorge Fossati ahead of the qualifiers | Paolo Guerrero | Christian Cueva | Game-Total


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2) No big attack, nonno. We are unfortunately harmless. The leitmotif of his work from now on is the urgency to have rebounding, but not the ability to hit the opponent, but the psychological belief that doing so is necessary to win games. To keep your head up you must return to the primary point of the lesson. Our record of shots on goal is a disgrace, which can only be overshadowed by Bolivia’s dominance in the competition. Even Jamaica are looking at the opposite goal with more ambition. Is it the technical ability of the forwards, or the team’s lack of cohesion? We need a diagnosis, Professor. And a solution immediately. At least one immunization.

Team Peru

Their worst numbers in attack

Parties: 3

Goals: 0

Shots on target: 9

Clear Odds per game: 0.7

Their worst numbers in attack

3) Time to put the historical in a museum display case. I don’t say this because of Tapia, Yotún or Advíncula – the ones we miss the most and who keep the position of Russia 2018 –; I say for Paulo Guerrero. Take care of him, Nonno. Take care of him from the reproach of the tribunal, but above all take care of him from himself; Continue to fight his drive, his desire, his stubbornness in battles that are no longer his own. His enthusiasm is valid, but it has nothing to do with the reality of his forty years. Enthrone him and help the idol maintain its dignity in the face of the community that still worships him today. Call him if you want, but know that his role is as an index promoter. Let him harangue on the subway, lead lunchtime prayers, tell jokes at conferences, but he must no longer be an initiate. Their limitations become apparent very quickly, and this is of less concern to the competitor; And for the fan, further proof that the Predator is a relic of the past.

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4) Stop calling until Carrillo and Cueva are back to normal (if possible). It is healthy. For fans with a great memory of what those two men did on the field, it was painful to see them scurry around the stadium writhing in pain in the castle – and I’m not exaggerating with the adjective. They are ghosts in shorts. Ghosts that are no longer scary, no longer scary. Without quimba or speed, neither Carrillo nor Carrillo, he is another, a homonym, an impostor. The same goes for ’10’: without mental or level speed, without power or imagination, not Cueva Cuevita. Aladdin is not Aladdin without the lamp. Perhaps both will be able to recreate the best versions of themselves, but in the meantime, it is only fair to give others a chance, with a greater need for the glory they have already tasted, with more air.

Team Peru

There will be six qualifiers this year


vs. Colombia – Local

vs. Ecuador – Visitor


vs. Uruguay – Local

vs. Brazil – Visitor


vs. Chile – local

vs. Argentina – Visitor

There will be six qualifiers this year

5) Focus on finding a team rather than achieving rankings. The thing they don’t like to hear is that we all want to go to the World Cup, but given the panorama and do the math, there is no way to go there. It takes a lot of luck and mathematical operations to even consider that we have a chance. The playoffs shouldn’t be a testing ground, but neither should it be a wasted opportunity, so keep moving forward: try, make mistakes, and revise. In the end, more than the number of accumulated points, the (good) fan will value having a group (or not) with a defined personality, supportive, committed, dying in its frame. That is, choice is all that is not now. The horizon isn’t 2026, it’s 2030.

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