Titanic: Submarine used to ferry tourists to liner’s remains goes missing with its crew | Atlantic Ocean | OceanGate | the world

Titanic: Submarine used to ferry tourists to liner’s remains goes missing with its crew |  Atlantic Ocean |  OceanGate |  the world

A submarine is used to take tourists and experts to see the remains Titanic Disappeared with its crew in the Atlantic Ocean.

The Boston Coast Guard It confirmed to the BBC that a search and rescue operation was underway off the coast of Newfoundland.

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The company operating the missing submarine said in a statement “Exploring and Mobilizing All Options” Workers must be brought safely.

It is not known how many people drowned.

“We are focused on crew members and their families who may drown,” OceanGate Expeditions said.

The agency said it received “extensive assistance” from “various government agencies and specialized deep-sea agencies” in efforts to re-establish contact with the submarine.

“We are working to ensure the safe return of crew members.”


What would Oceangate’s Titan submarine look like?

  • The Titan is a five-person submarine capable of diving to a depth of 4,000 meters.
  • Its dimensions are 670 cm x 280 cm x 250 cm
  • A crew of five has 96 hours of “life support”.
  • It travels at three knots i.e. 5.5 kmph.
  • In addition to taking tourists and experts to the Titanic wreck, it is used for site inspections and surveys, research and data collection, film and media production, and deep-sea hardware and software testing.
  • It is equipped with an integrated platform from which the submarine is launched and returned before and after each dive.


How deep is the Titanic?

Small submarines occasionally carry tourists and professionals About 3,800 meters below sea level About 600 km from Newfoundland, Canada.

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Oceangate A fee of US$250,000 per person for his eight-day voyage from Canada to witness the famous shipwreck.

The company’s submersible has 96 hours of “life support” for a crew of 5.

According to the OceanGate website, the submarine has a system for real-time monitoring of pressure changes and vessel integrity, which alerts the pilot when it is necessary to stop the dive and return to the surface.

It is unclear how many people were on board When the submarine disappeared, however British explorer Hamish Harding This Sunday, he wrote on Facebook that he was going to take part in the last Ocean Gate voyage of the Titanic.

Hamish Harding in a picture from January. (Getty Images).

After the crew left the Newfoundland city of St. John’s on Saturday, Harding said they were going to attempt the dive on Sunday.

Among those who will take part are “a couple of legendary explorers, some of whom have made more than 30 dives on the RMS Titanic since the 1980s,” he added.


OceanGate Expeditions offers sailing on its carbon fiber submarine as an “opportunity to leave everyday life and discover something truly extraordinary.”

According to the company, the submarines seat five people, usually including a pilot, three paying guests and a “content specialist”.

Full dive for wreck including descent and ascent, It lasts for a total of eight hours.

Titanic, once the world’s largest ship, hit an iceberg on April 14, 1912, during her maiden voyage from Southampton, England to New York. Of the 2,200 passengers and crew on board, more than 1,500 died.

The remains of the liner have been extensively investigated since their discovery in 1985.

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They consist of two parts, the bow and stern separated by about 800 meters. Both sides of the boat are littered with massive debris.

The Boston Coast Guard is searching for the submerged vessel. (Getty Images).


What would have happened to the lost submarine?

Ballab Ghosh, BBC News Science Correspondent

Professor Alistair Craig of University College London is an expert on submarines. He has worked on several scenarios of where the missing submarine might be.

For one, he dropped a “drop weight” to the surface after an emergency.

“This could have happened if there had been a power or communication failure, and the submersible would have been floating on the surface,” the expert said.

Another scenario, he explains, is that the hull of the submarine could have been compromised and leaked. “So the prognosis is not good.”

If you’re submerged under the sea and can’t recover under your own power, your options are pretty limited, according to Professor Craig.

“While the submarine remains intact, if it goes deeper than 200 meters, there are very few vessels that can go that deep, certainly not divers.

“Vehicles designed for naval submarine rescues certainly cannot go near the depths of the Titanic.

“Even if they could, I highly doubt they would be able to attach themselves to a tourist submarine,” Craig said.

The remains of the Titanic lie at a depth of 3,800 meters. (Reuters).


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