The Agency for Technological Modernization and the Red Cross are bringing technology closer to the elderly through traveling workshops.

The Agency for Technological Modernization and the Red Cross are bringing technology closer to the elderly through traveling workshops.

The new edition of “Enredando Tour”, an initiative of Cruz Roja, in collaboration with the Agencia para a Modernización Tecnoloxica de Galicia, to reduce the digital gap between mayors, starts on July 13th. Until September the “Enredando Tour” will travel to a total of 20 Galician destinations with a travel training program.

This edition is specifically aimed at over 55s (open to anyone who wants to participate), who will be supported to learn the basics of using technology and overcome fears and insecurities. should be considered.

Digital training workshops and training menus

“Enredando Tour” will tour Galicia with a super-equipped van offering training content linked to new technologies. Smartphones, laptops, tablets, smart speakers… and all kinds of equipment will be carried in it, which makes this approach easier to the reality of the most domestic technology and present in many areas of our daily life.

In each of the cities where the tour will stop, a van will be installed from 10 am to 2 pm and several workshops will be organized related to the existing menus. Each participant can train on one or more of the contents of each menu. What matters is that the person decides what they want to learn and how far Red Cross should come in their digital training. Located in squares or public spaces, participants can operate technical devices and access four training menus designed by the Red Cross and regional agencies:

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1. “I live in an analog world, girl”: the basic menu for starting “trouble” on the Internet.

2. “And you…who do you think you belong to?”: To find out what instant messaging is and how it works.

3. “Go digital, ho”: to learn how to access Sergas, make online purchases and, in general, manage day-to-day affairs.

4. “Bar: Fun and Learn”: To learn about web applications and practical applications.

At the training place, they will be given the digital support they need and if they have any doubts or want to ask questions, they have the option to seek advice through the page.

A tour of 20 Galician cities

The route will start on July 13 in the province of A Coruña in the city of Toques and continue on the 20th in Cabanas, on the 27th in Mesia and on August 3rd in Artexo. The tour of operations will also reach the provinces of Pontevedra, Lugo and Orenz, reaching a total of 20 locations until September.

Those interested in participating in the activities of the “Enredando tour” can call the toll-free number 900 825 030 or write an email to [email protected].

Plan digital talent

One of the objectives of the Agency for Technological Modernization of Galicia (Amtega) is to facilitate the acquisition of digital skills for citizens and to reduce the gap in access to digital services by the most vulnerable groups. These objectives are included in the DigiTalent 2030 plan: Walk digitallyIt is an activity of the CeMIT Classroom Network and includes this activity in collaboration with the Red Cross.

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About the Red Cross

For 159 years, the Red Cross has partnered with public and private organizations so that humanity and dignity reach all people, everywhere, at all times and in all circumstances.

In Spain, the Red Cross has more than 263,000 volunteers in more than 6,500 municipalities, allowing it to serve more than 12.2 million people annually. Environmental activities. All this with the support of nearly 1.4 million members, organizations and partners across all sectors of society.


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