Gabby Zambrano slams Farik Krippa: “He wanted to be a superstar” | KB Zambrano | Fariq Krippa | Johnny Lau | Tik Tok | Sergio Jorge | programs

Gabby Zambrano slams Farik Krippa: “He wanted to be a superstar” |  KB Zambrano |  Fariq Krippa |  Johnny Lau |  Tik Tok |  Sergio Jorge |  programs

Gabby Zambrano Farik shocked his followers after going live to reveal details of an alleged “abusive deal” between Krippa and Sergio Jorge. The singer spared nothing and hit Fariq hard.

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Zambrano explained that at the time the singer left the company, there was a conflict between Fariq Krippa and Sim Bum Music label, which led to contractual issues after the investment in Fariq.

“The problem was actually the song that everybody worked on. When he worked, he left, and that was the problem. Why didn’t the label release it? Because he didn’t pay. People in music and salsa know that.“, Came to know.

However, the situation did not stop there. Gabby Zambrano revealed that Farik developed an arrogant demeanor and made special demands on the record label unrelated to his music career.

“He got smoked, he wanted to be a superstar, he asked for a gym, a nutrition plan, everything neat, and that’s not my fault. If he wants to get off that plan and retire, that’s his problem.”he added.

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Singer Sergio defended George again. Along with her boyfriend Johnny Law, Sergio George has promised to always trust Farik Krippa’s talent over other national artists.

“Why does Sergio want to end the life of a Peruvian? It’s that simple, they’ve already invested in it, they’ve made a song. When he leaves, Sergio is disappointed because he left everything, time and money.He explained.

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